Along the lines of the Collegiate Coaching Corner series, row2k reached out to a wide swath of the junior and youth coaching community, to solicit responses on a wide range of topics both unique to youth coaching and to the profession and sport in general.
Within the range of the responses we received, we have done our best to make each topic as inclusive and representative as possible of the many different perspectives and types of junior and youth programs across the country. If your voice or the perspective of your program is missing and you would like to contribute, please contact us to get involved.
Coaches were asked to respond of topics of their choosing, from this list:
Index of Youth Coaches Corner Columns
In order of publication, most recent first:
Technique & Technology, Part 7: Hacks & Teaching Tricks
Technique & Technology, Part 6: Favorite Drills, Round 2
Technique & Technology, Part 5: Favorite Drills, Round 1
Multi-Sport Athletes, Part 2: Best Cross-Over Sports
Multi-Sport Athletes, Part 1: The Pros and Cons for Programs
Training Plans, Part 4: Favorite Workouts
Cross Training, Part 2: On Workouts, Lifting, and Helpful Partnerships
Cross Training, Part 1: How Often & What Works
Training Plans, Part 3: More Keys to Successful Plans
Training Plans, Part 2: Mental Prep for Racing
Technique & Technology, Part 4: Coaching for Consistency
Technique & Technology, Part 3: Coaching Influences & Model Crews
Technique & Technology, Part 2: Technical Trends
Coaching Education & Development, Part 1
Training Plans, Part 1: Keys to Successful Plans
Life of a Youth Rowing Coach Part 3: The Challenges
Life of a Youth Rowing Coach Part 2: The Rewards
Bringing Kids to Rowing Part 2: Helping Novices Succeed
Program Building and Team Culture Part 3: Maintaining A Positive Culture
Technique & Technology, Part 1: Coaching for Boat Feel & Technical Consistency
Program Building and Team Culture Part 2: Student Leadership
Bringing Kids to Rowing Part 1: Attracting and Retaining New Athletes
Life of A Youth Rowing Coach Part 1: The Coach's Role & Tips for Making it Work
Program Building and Team Culture Part 1: Defining Team Culture