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Best Winter Workouts: Lincoln Park Boat Club's Josh Karney
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Karney, 3 seat at the 2012 HOCR

Amanda Milad
January 29, 2015
As we leave the Charles River in search for the most badass winter workouts, we head west to the The Windy City of Chicago. In the heart of a city known for harsh winters, Lincoln Park Boat Club (LPBC) endures (we won't say enjoys) its fair share of erg season. row2k caught up with Josh Karney, a LPBC lightweight rower who has found a erg workout to get him through the freezing months so he stays fit (and remains a lightweight!) until the river thaws.

row2k: What is your favorite winter workout?

Josh Karney: Racing as a lightweight in my mid-thirties, conditioning is very important.  One of my favorites is 64’ (2’/4’/6’/8’/10’/9’/7’/5’/3’/1’) @ 6k + 6" with 1' paddle between the 'on' minutes, plus a 10' warm-up and 10' cool down. I usually stick around a 22 or 24 stroke rate.  This is a workout that keeps your heart rate up for an extended period of time, without fully transitioning from aerobic to anaerobic work.

row2k: What about this workout makes it a favorite?

JK: I love this workout!  It is a tough one both physically and mentally due to the time that you will be spending on the erg – about an hour and a half from start to finish with cooling down and stretching.  I’ve always been more of an endurance athlete as opposed to a sprinter, so this workout is a perfect fit for my stamina and consistency.    

While it's a very long workout, it goes by quickly with the alternating between ‘on’ and ‘off’ pieces.  It is a workout that can easily get boring, but I always try to be as consistent as possible with each 'on' piece.  I also use a lot of visualization during this workout – I picture how far I could get down the Chicago River during each piece.  I can feel the oar in my hands and see my city off the stern of the shell getting smaller and smaller as I work my way away from the dock. 

row2k: How long have you been doing this workout and who introduced it to you - is it an old favorite or new to your repertoire?

JK: On the Lincoln Park Boat Club sweep team we've been doing this workout for at least five years. Our coach Trish Brubaker sets the workouts, and this is a perennial winter favorite. We often joke that we are getting “Brubaked” after many of her workouts, but this one in particular.  It’s one of those workouts that gets easier the more you do it, and the more teammates you have to do it with.

row2k: If you could stay fit during the winter by only doing one type of non-erg cross training, what would it be and why?

JK: I like weights and body circuits: dead lifts, Romanian dead lifts, jumpies, duck walks, leg press, squats, bench rows, upright rows, and planks. Running is great for endurance, but the circuits are great for maintaining explosive and dynamic movements while off the water.  With weights and body circuits you feel exact muscle movements and how they contribute to speed on the water. 

 Have a fun, crazy, unique or wacky way you stay fit in the winter? Write to row2k!



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