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Best Winter Workouts: Cambridge Boat Club's Boris Kusturic
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Kusturic, at Cambridge Boat Club

Amanda Milad
January 19, 2015
Curious about what workout your coach would choose after assigning you a brutal training plan? Today, we head to Cambridge Boat Club (CBC), home of the Eliot turn, to catch up with head coach Boris Kusturic who shares with us his favorite workout to coach….and his (different) favorite one to do in the dead of winter.

 row2k: What is your favorite winter workout?

Boris Kusturic: This is an erg workout that we do twice a year at CBC: once in January and then again 2 weeks before C.R.A.S.H.-B. It starts with 20' warm up on the erg followed by stretching. The rest time between each piece equals the time it took you to do the previous piece (so if the 2k takes you 8 minutes, you rest for 8 minutes.)

2000m at 6k pace

1500m at 6k - 2" 

1000m at 2k pace 

750m at 2k - 2"

500m Max 

It's followed by at least 30' of light steady state (could be more time if done in January to add meters). [CBC is pretty competitive in the C2 January Challenge – currently ranked 2nd among on the water clubs –ed.]

row2k: What about this workout makes it a favorite?

BK: It's very hard and challenging workout, but it's very doable. It helps athletes build confidence, push hard, and really go all out in the last two pieces. It is not a great predictor of what one can do on a 2k, but it does make 2k feel much easier once this is done. 

row2k: How long have you been doing this workout and who introduced it to you - is it an old favorite or new to your repertoire?

BK: This workout has been around about 20 years – since I was training in Serbia. My coach at the time did different variations of length and intensity. I came up with the current format about 8 years ago, and athlete feedback has been good; I have been putting it on training plans since then. 

row2k: Is there a difference between your favorite workout to coach versus favorite workout to do?

BK: My favorite workout to do is quite different from the one above. It is 4x2k at 6k pace with rest time equaling work time. Usually it's done at 27-29s/m. I warm up for 20' or so, followed by the 2k pieces. I usually do about an hour of cardio afterwards with heart rate in 65-70% range. 

row2k: If you could stay fit during the winter by only doing one type of non-erg cross training, what would it be and why?

BK: Cross country skiing or Harvard Stadium! 

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