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Race Day #1

Megan Kalmoe

August 23, 2009
Where does all the time go? All I did was race today, and still it's 9:30 p.m. and the blog I wanted to write hasn't yet written itself... damn.

Ok, so we raced our heat today. It wasn't great, it wasn't terrible, it was a solid, fairly consistent effort that got us out of it about what we put into it: a second place finish. Fair enough given the circumstances, and the general feeling of staleness and discomfort that accompany the first race off a taper (and our first real taper of the year, at that). With the first one gone and away, I am anxiously looking forward to doing some more race work later in the week before lining up for the semis on Thursday. I think we have much, much more to give on the speed end of things, and the semifinals are an excellent place at which to show it.

Being at the course with racing underway today was a joy. The excitement in all the bodies present at the race course was certainly palpable, and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day for the first day of racing. The tailwind was light, water flat, sun was shining and launch wakes were only intermittent instead of constant. But really, I am just so happy to be here and be racing with my friends and teammates at this amazing event with so many other incredible athletes. I know the week will fly by all too quickly.

I should actually have time to write a blog tomorrow between practices, which should include some photos of the city and the race course and any other shenanigans I get up to in the meantime (loads, I'm sure).

Row2k has posted photos of today's racing... make sure you check out the sweet fashionistas in the USA W2X. I told Ellen she looks like a gang member. In a good way (?)  Mostly I'm just smug in the small victory of having gotten her to wear a bandana in international competition, with photo evidence.

Long Live the Dream,


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