row2k Features
This Breaking Light, and Sun Rise On The Charles
Poems by Margaret Maley
October 15, 1997

This Breaking Light

At a strong 18
We echo through the bridge.

The sound of our boat
is a wake up call for the sun.
We call on her to warm our bellies
and like fire over the city
     We take over.

Our rate rises with the sun
as we start our last piece on

This breaking light

Shining like gold
we soar
Our oars like sticks
the water a drum
and in two
we wake up the sun.

Sun Rise On The Charles

Sun rises are special. They are more than beautiful. Sun sets are beautiful but it's not special to be awake for the sun set.

People ask me why I row. THey expect me to say something like "the unity of the boat is awsome" or something else equally as corny. They don't understand waking up so early to row in the cold and the rain. They just don't understand.

But I've seen the sun rise up from the water and take over the city. When I see that I realize the sun rising isn't just the force of gravity on the planets. The sun rise is an emotion that I can feel from the heels of my feet to the swing in my back and I know the eight other women in my boat can feel that emotion with me.

And yes, I do row for the feeling of unity and the bond between the athleats and all the other cleche reasons people assume I row. I could feel unity in any sports team. I can't take over the city by pushing a ball around with a stick.

So the next time some one asks you why you row think of the sun taking over the city and how you can feel that beauty in the way your body moves and the 8 women surrounding and moving you. THink about that feeling and ask that person,

"When was the last time you saw the sun rise?"

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