Regatta & Event Coverage Feature Coverage
The Head of the Chattahoochee bills itself as "the last of the great fall regattas," and on the face of the 2011 edition of the race, it would be hard to argue to the contrary.
Princeton Chase 2011: Hot Pursuit in the ColdThe Chase might be "just" a way to break up fall training a bit, but that doesn't make the racing any less fierce: Princeton Hwts, Harvard Lwts, and Virginia take wins at the 2011 Princeton Chase. » more
Pan Am's 2011: Finals Preview, Day 3The final day of rowing at the XVI Pan Am Games sees the US in four finals--Light Women's Single, Women's Quad, Men's Single, and Men's Eight--with a chance to finish atop the medal table. » more
Pan Am's 2011: Finals Preview, Day 2The second of three days of finals at the XVI Pan Am Games features racing in two Olympic boat classes vitally important to the Latin American countries--the light doubles for men and women--along with the Women's Single, Men's Pair and Men's Quad. » more
Pan Am's 2011: Finals Preview, Day 1First day of Finals, and Argentina brings three Worlds crews to the line: W2-, M4-, and a M2x already qualified for London. US won two of the prelims set for Finals today--W2- and M2x--and raced right to the line in the W2x and M4- before making it home through the reps. » more
Pan Am's 2011: Who's Coming to this Fiesta?Team USA and Team Canada traditionally run the medal table in Rowing at Pan Ams, but who else is coming to the Americas Fiesta? A quick look by country, primarily at the competition from south of the border, on the eve of Pan Ams 2011. » more
Junior Worlds Sunday: German JuggernautComing into the Sunday finals, it looked like Germany was having a good regatta, but by day's end, it was almost ridiculous, as the German squad medaled in six of the seven A finals, including four gold medals in the women's eight, men's double, and both the men's and women's singles. » more
Junior Worlds Friday: Dorney's BestAfter choking down hard rain and headwinds yesterday, the junior rowers taking to the course today saw the absolute best that Dorney Lake has to offer – partly sun with just enough clouds to keep temps down, almost non-existent winds, a smoothly and tightly run schedule, and nearly perfect water for almost every race. » more
Junior Worlds Thursday: Stinging in the RainAfter a day where athletes were commenting about the challenges of
racing in the heat on Wednesday, the problem was solved come Thursday
morning as a steady, stinging rain bore down on the proceedings . . . » more
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