row2k Features
Rower Tricks
The Foot Towel
December 3, 2013
row2k hackers

Not elegant, but effective

Getting colder and colder these days, but the low temps can also make for some pretty awesome flat water if you get a mild enough day. There is plenty of gear out there for keeping pretty much every part of you warm, but when it comes to your feet, most of us don't get much past a pair of old socks that we don't mind getting wet and dirty on the dock. So, here is hack for that one spot where most of us still feel the pinch when we row on the colder days at the end of the season: the Foot Towel.

That's right: this is a quick and easy way to keep those toesies warm after you leave your shoes--or heavy boots--behind on the dock on a chilly morning. Just wrap a towel around your feet and, voila, an instant foot blanket that keeps at least one of your extremities snug. You'd be surprised just how dry and warm it keeps them, even if you encounter some rough conditions--and, as one convert pointed out to us, this kind of comfort goes a long way when it is turns out to be a bit colder than you bargained for and you would otherwise not be able feel your feet.

It is a great hack for early spring rows, too, and will even help if you get splashed on a rough water day, or by a boater who is also nutty enough to enjoy a cooler day on the water. It takes a lot of water to soak all the way through a towel once it is doubled over--and if you do get a ton of water on board, the towel will help you soak it up and wring it away.

You could probably find an old fleece jacket or small blanket to do the same trick of keeping you warm down there, but the towel doubles the best for wiping the shell down when you are done and, let's face it: if it is cold enough to use this hack, then you won't want to stay outside any longer than necessary to clean things up after you land.

Have a neat way to beat the cold when you are getting some extra strokes on chillier days? Share your tips--and hacks--in the comments below.

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