Head Coach - Greg Maynard, 2nd year
2022 Finish
Returning Varsity 8+ Athletes -
2023 Seniors -
2023 Outlook - "The Sewanee Crew has been training since the start of the Easter Term preparing to launch its first competitive spring season since 2019. The Men's First Novice Four (Coxswain Emily Elliot, Stroke Ben Pollock, 3 seat -Tate Mayo, 2 seat-Thomas Franks, Bow-Kaj Knudsen) is coming off a successful fall season when the boat won a bronze medal at the Music City Head Race. The Second Men's Novice Four placed sixth in the same event. The team will be moving operations from its erg room in the Fowler Center to the boathouse on Lake Dimmick following the Tennessee Indoor Rowing Championships on February 25th at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga in Maclelland Gym."
-Head Coach Greg Maynard
Head Coach - Greg Maynard, 3rd year
2023 Finish
Returning Varsity 8+ Athletes -
2024 Seniors -
2024 Outlook - "Music City Head Race, 2nd place, Women's Novice College 4 Head of the Hooch, 16th place, Women's Novice College 4 Winter 2024: Tennessee Indoors: Anne Jefferson, 1st place Women's College Frosh/Novice, Julia Becker, 3rd place Women's College Frosh/Novice Returning rowers: Julia Becker (Jr), Anne Jefferson (Jr), Liz Jefferson (Fr), Lilly Hawkins (Fr). All women are Frosh/Novice Coxswains: Mich Arango-Rojas (So), Grace Byron (So)."
-Head Coach Greg Maynard