row2k results » 2006
St. Paul's vs. Concord and Hyde
May 4, 2006 - Turkey Pond, St. Paul's School, Concord
Submitted by David Pook
Distance: 1500
Conditions: 50 degrees (cool) slight headwind, no chop, excellent racing conditions
Comments: Boys 5/3 race was on a shortened 1200m course due to false starts and steering calamities; Girls 5/3 race was on a shortened 1000m course due to equipment malfunction and steering calamities; In the Boys 3/1 race Concord crossed into SPS lane and clashed oars at 500m into the race.
Varsity 8 |
SPS G3 |
5:33.2 |
Concord G1 |
5:42.6 |
2nd Varsity 8 |
SPS G4 |
5:46.6 |
Concord G2 |
5:48.6 |
Frosh/Novice 8 |
Concord G3 |
4:02 |
SPS G5 |
4:03 |
Boys 5/3 |
SPS 5 |
4:35.7 |
Concord 3 |
4:43.3 |
Hyde novice |
5:09.5 |
Boys 4/2 |
Concord 2 |
4:58.5 |
SPS 4 |
5:13 |
Boys 3/1 |
Concord 1 |
4:46.1 |
SPS 3 |
4:53.3 |