Below is information on the live video webcasting for the 2012 IRA National Championships.
We recommend checking row2k's complete IRA coverage for updated race schedule information. All times local to event (EDT).
110th IRA National Championship Regatta ECAC event website
Thursday, 8:00-11:30 am - Heats, Hwt Men; V8 Heats, 8:00 am start
Thursday, 2:00-3:45 pm - Reps, Hwt Men; V8 Reps, 2:00 pm start
Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm - Semis, Hwt Men; Heats, Lwt Women
LW8 Heats, 8:30 am start; MV8 Semis, 12:15 pm start
Saturday, 8:00 am - 12:45 pm - Finals
LW8 Grand, 11:00 am start; MV8 Grand, 11:45 am start; LM8 Grand, 12:30 pm start
Plus, don't forget to check the row2k Twitter Bin for collegiate racing updates and results -- increasingly in real-time, and maybe the best way to catch up-to-the minute results.