row2k Features
Remarks by John Garnjost at the Olympic Order Presentation
September 6, 2000

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you C. K. for those kind words and for your endorsement of me to receive this prestigious award. For an American to be recognized for contributions to the development of rowing sport in Chinese Taipei is special and unique. As you have requested, I will be pleased to continue providing advice and support for further development of the program. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to Wu Ching-Kuo for his inviting my family and Taiwan friends to attend this momentous occasion.

We all know that Taiwan has developed rapidly since 1958, the year I first visited this country as a US Air Force pilot. Today, I will limit my remarks to one small aspect of this growth, focusing on the brief history of rowing locally.

Our sport has come a long way from rowing demonstrations at the annual Dragon Boat Festivals: 1983 in Taipei; 1984 in Kaohsiung and Tainan; 1985 and beyond in I-Lan. As advisor to the Chinese Taipei Amateur Rowing Association, I served as a delegate to the 1983 International Rowing Federation (FISA) Congress in Duisburg, Germany, where Chinese Taipei's application for membership in FISA was approved.

However, it was not until the 1985 visit of Thomi Keller, FISA President, to inspect the Tung Shan River as a possible rowing site that things began to happen. I can remember standing on the old bridge with Thomi wondering if this was nothing more than a dream. Fortunately, the idea coincided with two major events: the development of the northeast for tourism; and the vision of former I-Lan County Magistrate and current Minister of Justice, Chen Ding-Nan, to establish a recreation park along the river bank.

I have been called the "Father of Rowing" in Taiwan. My response is that, while essential, the father's role in the birth of a baby is limited. In rowing, as in life, there has been countless effort and teamwork in the development of this sport in Taiwan. Today, we have an internationally proven rowing course, two FISA umpires, and rowers throughout the country.

Fortunately, in recent years, I have been able to continue my active participation in Taiwan's international rowing events. These highlights include:

  1. Establishing the annual I-Lan International Collegiate Invitational Regatta for University crews from Taiwan and eight countries in 1996.
  2. Hosting the 7th Asian Rowing Championships in 1997.
  3. Competing at a senior FISA World Rowing Championship in 1999.
Yes, our child has developed very nicely over a relatively short period of time. In order to continue its growth at this stage and to expand our sport, we need to provide a site for rowing in Taipei. Like the famous Head-of-the-Charles Regatta in Boston, I can envision a Head-of-the-Keelung Regatta in Taipei with cheering spectators along the river banks. Of course, there would have to be continued clean-up of the river before this event could take place.

As in major cities throughout the world, boathouses could be located on the Keelung River, and rowing clubs established, some with local university affiliation. Just like in 1985, it will take lots of effort, vision and a strong focus on the objective of developing rowing in Taipei. Everything is possible. In this case, preferably during my lifetime.

Due to its convenience, more people would be interested to participate in the sport. With a better understanding and appreciation of rowing, Taiwan athletes would be encouraged to reach hip-her standards of performance. In the meantime, Chinese Taipei must continue to be an active member of FISA and participate in regional and international championships, both junior and senior.

I am honored to accept this Olympic Order. I do so on behalf of all those individuals who work behind the scenes supporting the athletic achievements of others. Thank you very much for this special recognition.

John T. Garnjost
September 6, 2000

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