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There's No 'I' in 'Team America'

Andrew Johnson
August 23, 2009
The most common question I get from people goes something like this, "Do y...  do you know your teammates?"  I try to explain that yes, in a coxed 4 we all train together and get very close as a crew.  I could tell you what the rest of my boat would eat for breakfast--although that's probably because we've shared so many boathouse meals at this point.  But for those who don't live in the heads of the LTA4 crew, I thought I'd explain the selection process a little and how we got from five people into one team.

First, the Cliff's Notes version of adaptive rowing.  There are three categories for adaptive, arms (A), trunk and arms (TA), and legs trunk and arms (LTA).  Condition that prevents them from using their legs, or in the case of arms only athletes their torsos.  The categories describe how much of your body you can use throughout the rowing stroke--arms only athletes can only use their arms, etc.  A and TA athletes generally have LTA covers everything from use of prosthetic legs to blindness to a myriad other disabilities.

Arms only athletes compete in a singles event in boats with outriggers to help with stabilization.  TA athletes row in a mixed double, and the LTA are in a mixed 4 with cox.  All but the 4 are selected through trials.  The 4 gets to go through the tribulations of selection camp.

This year ten athletes attended.  Two are blind, two came from the special forces, five are amputees and two are coxswains.  Camp lasted from Friday to Sunday.  We went on the water twice a day, and rowed both technical and race pieces.  The boat was selected by looking at technique, speed and other x-factors of coaching.  One seat came down to a very close and competitive seat race.  Having been to selection camps in the past, I like seeing how far adaptive rowing comes every year--every camp I go to brings more motivated and committed athletes to the sport.  I know next year the competition will be pretty fierce.

But this year's camp is over, and now it's time to hear about some racing.

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