Six minutes, three seconds: the past ten months of training, the hundreds of kilometers on the water, the gallons and gallons of sweat… and it all came down to the six minutes and three-point-six-five seconds. ...Read More
row2k's daily look at which US crews are On to London, Still Alive, or now Facing Final Qualification.
The USA finally had a big day in Bled, grabbing five of the remaining seven Olympic bids they are chasing. ...Read More
row2k's daily look at which US crews are On to London, Still Alive, or now Facing Final Qualification.
US Women's eight takes care of business, and will head to London to defend the Olympic title. ...Read More
As I sat in my boat at the launch yesterday and looked down into the turquoise water, I could see all the way down to the bottom of the lake. ...Read More