row2k results
Collegiate Women: Orange Cup
April 9, 2005; Charles River, Cambridge, MA

Submitted by Joe Wilhelm.

Distance: 2000m
Wind: Cross tail increasing throughout morning to more of a cross wind for the varsity fours and novice races.
Water: slight chop for varsity race increasing to choppy for the varsity fours and novice races.
Current: slight head current
Comments: In 2N 8 race, UMass caught overhead crabs in the first and third 500m Northeastern was already in the lead at that point. In V4B race, Northeastern caught an overhead crab in 3rd 500m Penn had a 1-2 seat lead at the time.


Varsity 8:
Syracuse 6:31.9
Penn 6:33.0
Northeastern 6:39.8
UMass 6:40.6

2nd Varsity 8:
Northeastern 6:44.2
Penn 6:46.2
Syracuse 6:53.0
UMass 7:12.4

Varsity Four:
Penn 7:44.8
Northeastern 7:47.3
Syracuse 8:02.9
UMass 8:37.2

Novice 8:
Syracuse 6:56.0
Northeastern 7:05.6
UMass 7:18.2
Penn 7:20.0

2nd Novice 8:
Northeastern 7:28.7
UMass 8:03.4

Varsity 4 B:
Penn 7:48.9
Northeastern 8:03.5
Novice 4
UMass 8:33.9
Syracuse 8:39.1