row2k results
Collegiate Women: Washington State University vs. UC Davis
April 21, 2002; Silver Lake, WA

Submitted by Tammy Crawford.

Distance: 2,000M
Wind: 7-10mph tail
Water: choppy, no white caps
Current: none
Comments: WSU altered their line ups for the weekend. The group that has raced as the varsity eight did not compete in these events, and there was not a varsity four race. The 2V8 raced as the V8. A composite V4 and 1N8 raced as the 2V8. The 2N8 raced as 1N8. Floating starts; tailwind; a bit less slop in the first 500M for the Novice eight race which was at end of the regatta (the times are faster than 2V8 times, I don't think they are comparable).


Varsity 8:
Washington State University 6:48.2
UC Davis 7:05.9

2nd Varsity 8:
Washington State University 7:07.1
UC Davis 7:21.9

Novice 8:
Washington State University 7:02.3
UC Davis 7:11.9