row2k results
Collegiate Women: Cayuga Cup
April 1, 2006; Onondaga LAke

Submitted by Kris Sanford.

Distance: K
Wind: 14 - 15mph cross head wind for novice 8 and varsity. Wind lessened for 2V and V 4 and slight to none for V 4
Water: cross to head chop
Current: none


Varsity 8:
Yale 7:11.0
Cornell 7:30.0
Syracuse 7:35.0

2nd Varsity 8:
Yale 7:08.0
Syracuse 7:33.0
Cornell 7:39.0

Varsity Four:
Yale A 7:35.0
Yale B 7:52.0
Cornell 8:10.0

Novice 8:
Cornell 7:41.1
Yale 7:42.5
Syracuse 7:55.1

Novice 4:
COrnell 823.0
Syracuse 8:45.0