row2k results
Collegiate Women: Stetson Sprints
February 28, 2004; DeLand, FL

Submitted by John Gartin.

Distance: 2000m
Wind: Head Wind, 12+mph
Water: white caps at the start
Current: none


Novice 8:
Nova Southeastern Univ 08:52.6
ERAU 09:00.2
Univ of Florida - A 09:44.4
Univ of Tampa 10:19.2
Florida State 10:31.5
Univ of Florida - B 11:01.6

Novice 4:
Univ. of Florida -A 10:08.3
Stetson 10:25.9
Nova Southeastern 10:28.9
Univ. of Florida - B 11:16.6
Univ. of Tampa 11:18.8
Florida State 12:29.8