row2k results
Collegiate Women: Winchell Cup Regatta: Oregon State vs Washington State
March 30, 2002; Wawawai Landing Pullman WA

Submitted by Tammy Crawford.

Distance: 2,000M
Wind: very little
Water: ideal; 1 full 2K buoy line
Current: none
Comments: Race conditions were perfect. A note about line ups: WSU double entered (2)2V8 athletes who are '02 novices in the Novice Eight event. These athletes will race in the N8 at San Diego. WSU does not have an entry in the 2V8 at San Diego. After San Diego, they will row solely in the 2V8 and will not double.


Varsity 8:
Oregon State 6:32.5
Washington State 6:38.2

2nd Varsity 8:
Oregon State 6:43.3
Washington State 6:47.4

Varsity Four:
Oregon State 7:37.6
Washington State 7:44.5
Oregon State 7:50.7

Novice 8:
Washington State 6:44.2
Oregon State 6:48.0

2nd Novice 8:
Washington State 7:02.3
Oregon State 7:16.0