row2k results
Collegiate Women: Washington State University vs. Oregon State University
April 29, 2006; Pullman Wa

Submitted by Mike Stahlman.

Distance: 2000m
Wind: 5-6mph Head wind slowly decreasing until the N4 race where it picked back up again considerably
Water: Mild Chop for the V4 and 2N8, then flat for remaining races
Current: None
Comments: Floating Starts


Varsity 8:
WSU 6:51.5
OSU 6:56.6

2nd Varsity 8:
WSU JV 6:55.5
OSU JV 7:16.3
WSU 3V 7:19.9

Varsity Four:
WSU A 7:47.9
OSU 8:08.7
WSU B 8:10.4

Novice 8:
OSU 7:05.9
WSU 7:13.9

2nd Novice 8:
OSU 7:38.7
WSU 7:47.4

Novice 4:
OSU A 8:52.4
OSU B 8:53.7
WSU 10:06.6