row2k features > Coxing
Point of Greatest Hazard III -- In Praise of Trailer Drivers
October 22, 2003
The Road leads ever on and on.  more

Postcards from “the Barracks”
August 22, 2003
Club rowing -- summer season. Some of the rowers from out-of-town have rented a gigantic 10-room unfurnished apartment they quickly name "the barracks"  more

When Bad Blisters Happen to Good People
July 10, 2003
Blisters happen; here's what to do.  more

Urgent and Confidential Business Proposal – Wet Socks
June 12, 2003
I have the courage to contact you in strict confidence as a reliable and honest person  more

Point of Greatest Hazard II - Launching Quickly at Crowded Regattas
May 8, 2003
Continuing on the premise that handling crewshells on land is at least as complex (often more so) than on water, we move to where the rubber really meets the road...  more

The Most Important Stroke of the Race – Calling the Settle
April 9, 2003
Some years ago -- very tentatively -- I went out on what I thought was a limb and affirmed that the first stroke of the settle was probably the most important stroke of the race.  more

That Schuylkill Accent
March 18, 2003
Wherein our columnist notes that "coxswains... don’t really sound like coxswains until they sound like Philadelphia coxswains"  more

'You'd Look Good in Our Engine Room'
February 13, 2003
Untangle some of the mystery of the recruitment process for high school rowers and coxswains.  more

Now that We're off the Water...Seasonal Rowing Disorders
December 13, 2002
With ice forming on the rivers and lakes (apologies for the northern hemisphere centrism), long dark months off the water can force certain entirely-explainable, yet disconcerting (to the civilian), adaptations and behaviors to get us through to spring.  more

Most serious damage to crewshells occurs on land, rather than on water.  more

Adventures in Hotel Registration
August 2, 2002
One of the enjoyable aspects of rowing is that it is one of the sports where women and men can compete on the same team.  more

Magic Calls - 'Cry 'Havoc,' and Let Slip the Dogs of War!'
July 15, 2002
The search for the magic, inspiring phrase has occupied the waking moments of coxswains as long as there have been coxswains.  more

Mare Nostrum - Rowing Under the Romans
June 19, 2002
Despite turning the Mediterranean into "their sea," neither the Roman Republic nor Empire put a high priority on naval power, except for brief crises periods requiring the hurried building of a fleet.  more

The Care and Feeding of Lightweights
May 16, 2002
The 24-hour focus of being a lightweight rower ingrains a special intensity. The number 155 dominates their lives; it is literally stitched into much of their rowing clothing.  more

'It's Cruel When the Fo'c's'le Gets the Fever' -- Never Share Water Bottles
March 27, 2002
Never share water bottles. As tight-knit a unit as a crew is, it's all too easy for a bug to decimate a boat during an important week of practice or just before a major race, and sharing water bottles -- no matter what the temptation -- increases the risk.  more

Offseason Training -- Bondage Runs, Merciless Videos, and Trading Coxswains by the Pound
February 13, 2002
Your rowers may have been barely awake before, but eyes begin to open on that one, as the lengths of rope on the boathouse floor begin to convince them that maybe -- just maybe -- they heard you right the first time.  more

Indoor Training - Keep Coxswains and Other Small Objects Away from the Erg Intake Vents
January 8, 2002
The coxswain's role during indoor training season can be an ambiguous one, especially going through it the first season as the ergs rev up like jet turbines and any small objects nearby get sucked into the intake.  more

Despite the comment above, it is indeed possible for coxswains of bowloaders to be the same kind of diagnostic coxswains as when they can see their rowers and oars in a sternloader.  more

The Stroke-Coxswain Connection
September 6, 2001
The Stroke-Coxswain relationship is one of the most important working relationships in all of athletics.  more

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