row2k results
High School/Scholastic: NEIRA Girls Eights,Davis Cup: St. Paul's School vs Phillips Exeter Academy; Deerfield
May 20, 2023; Turkey Pond, Concord, NH

Submitted by Michael Spencer.

Distance: 1500 meters
Conditions: Tailwind moderating between races with rain.
Comments: Race Order: G4-G3-G2-G1-G5 The G2 and G1 races started half a length over the line. In the G3 race, the Exeter coxswain moved into the wrong lane and needed to veer wide around a buoy to move back into the correct racing lane. The buoy had drifted slightly so the correction added distance and time to their race. Racing of other crews was not impeded. In the G5 race, the St. Paul's boat caught a boat-stopping crab 250m into the race and needed to realign and restart. In the Davis Cup competition between Exeter and St. Paul's (awarded to the winner of the majority of boys and girls races and, in the event of a tie, to the winner of the first boat races) was won by St. Paul's School. Thanks to Deerfield and Exeter for making the trip to Concord for a great day of racing!


First Boat
Deerfield 4:47.3
St. Paul's 4:52.6
Exeter 5:02.1

Second Boat
Deerfield 5:07.6
Exeter 5:11.3
St. Paul's 5:15.2

Third Boat
Deerfield 5:22.6
St. Paul's 5:24.8
Exeter 5:48.1

Fourth Boat
St. Paul's 5:27.3
Deerfield 5:35.8
Exeter 5:54.0

Fifth Boat
Deerfield 6:07.1
St. Paul's 6:31.5

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