row2k results
High School/Scholastic: NEIRA Girls Fours
May 13, 2017; Powerhouse Course Charles River

Submitted by John Cotter.

Distance: 1300 M
Conditions: Conditions were close to ideal calm and remained that way for all races
Comments: On the girls 3v race the Charles River tour boat stopped on the down river side of the River St bridge, causing Lincoln and BB&N to divert to the Boston Side. Lincoln was in middle arch, Boston side and BB&N was Boston arch


First Boat
BB&N 4:47.60
Lincoln 4:50.86
Southfield 5:06.09

Second Boat
BB&N 4:58.46
Lincoln 5:01.01
Southfield 5:12.2

Third Boat
Lincoln 5:10.97
BB&N 5:11.40
Southfield 5:47.28

Fourth Boat
BB&N 5:15.49
Lincoln 5:45.65
Sothfield 6:18.8

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