row2k results
Collegiate Women: WPI/Clark Weekly Invitational WEEK 2 - Finals
April 15, 2023; Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA.

Submitted by Jason Steele, WPI.

Distance: 2000 meters
Conditions: Flat water. 7-10 mph Headwind. Almost the exact opposite wind from Heats to Finals
Comments: Fully buoyed Championship Course. Stakeboats. 70 degrees and sunny. Excellent day. Williams V8 earns the Barbara Grand Donahue Cup as winner of the morning heat between WPI, Conn College, Simmons, U Rochester.


Varsity Eight Grand Final
Williams 7:04.90
WPI 7:08.99
Clark 7:16.68
U Rochester 7:31.10
MHC 7:36.31

Varsity Eight Petite Final:
Conn College 7:25.88
Washington Coll 7:34.88
PLU 8:00.72
Simmons 8:35.89

2nd Varsity Eight Grand Final
Williams 7:24.30
WPI 7:29.84
Clark 7:30.82
Washington Coll 8:00.49
U Rochester 8:05.60

2nd Varsity 8 Petite Final:
Conn College 8:01.26
MHC 8:05.14
PLU 8:52.48

Williams 7:34.95
WPI 7:46.35
U Rochester 7:57.75
Conn College 8:18.57

Clark 7:52.15
Mount Holyoke 8:19.27

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