High School/Scholastic: NEIRA Boys & Girls Eights,Simsbury/Tabor Invitational
April 15, 2023; Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA

Submitted by Ann Carabillo, Simsbury.

Distance: 1500 Meters
Conditions: Light wind changing throughout the day, starting as a tailwind, then a cross-wind and finishing the day as headwind.
Comments: Races were floating starts, please do not compare times. In the B1 race Tabor caught a boat stopping crab at 300 meters down. In the B4, St. John's "B" had 2 boat stopping crabs. Also in the B4, Stonington B3 raced in this event due to illness. A special thank you to St. John's an Shrewsbury for hosting the day. Simsbury wins the Simsbury/Tabor Pincombe Cup.


Men's Racing

First Boat:
St. John's 4:59.3
Stonington 5:02.1
Simsbury 5:08.3
East Lyme 5:09.1
Shrewsbury 5:12.0
Tabor 5:21.1

Second Boat:
St. John's 5:04.8
Stonington 5:06.1
Tabor 5:22.1
Shrewsbury 5:39.6
Simsbury 6:05.0

Third Boat:
St. John's 5:08.1
St. John's "B" 5:28.9
Tabor 5:39.8

Fourth Boat:
Shrewsbury 5:49.5
St. John's 5:51.6
East Lyme 6:17.4
Simsbury 6:29.5
St. John's "B" 6:54.3
Stonington 3V 6:00.9

Women's Racing

First Boat:
Boston Latin 5:31.3
East Lyme 5:38.2
Stonington 5:46.7
Shrewsbury 5:49.9
Simsbury 5:55.7
Tabor 5:59.8

Second Boat:
East Lyme 6:07.0
Boston Latin 6:14.1
Tabor 6:23.1
Shrewsbury 6:50.6

Third Boat:
Boston Latin 5:52.5
East Lyme 6:15.1
Tabor 6:18.5
Simsbury 6:37.6

Fourth Boat:
Shrewsbury 6:12.5
East Lyme 6:19.8

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