High School/Scholastic: NEIRA Boys & Girls Fours,Neponset Rowing Club vs Thayer vs Medford High School vs Dexter Southfield
May 1, 2024; Neponset River

Submitted by John Geary.

Distance: 1000m
Conditions: Calm with slight tailwind for all races
Comments: Thank you to Neponset Rowing Club for hosting.


Men's Racing

First Boat:
Neponset 3:11.86
Thayer 3:17.73
Medford 3:25.26

Second Boat:
Neponset 3:24.10
Medford 4:00.74

Third Boat:
Medford 3:17.97
Neponset 3:19.97

Fourth Boat:
Neponset 3:35.07
Medford 3:36.31
Dexter-Southfield 3:38.57

Fifth Boat:
Dexter-Southfield 3:34.91
Neponset 4:27.74

Women's Racing

First Boat:
Neponset 1 3:44.68
Neponset 2 3:55.10
Thayer 4:03.58
Neponset 3 4:18.90

Second Boat:
Dexter-Southfield 1 3:47.69
Neponset 4:32.46
Dexter-Southfield 2 4:41.41

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