row2k results
Collegiate Men: University of Michigan vs. Grand Valley State, Michigan State
April 17, 2004; Ypsilanti, Michigan

Submitted by Gregg Hartsuff.

Distance: 2000 meters
Conditions: Conditions were different for all five races. Order: V8, F4, F8, V4, JV8. 7-8mph head wind for V8, and JV8. 7-8 mph cross for F4 and V4. F8 had calm conditions. Strange winds shifting constantly


Varsity 8
Grand Valley 6:12.8
Michigan 1V 6:15.9
Michigan 2V 6:23.6
Michigan State 1V 6:37.1
Michigan State 2V 6:47.1

2nd Varsity 8
Michigan Ltwt 6:26.8
Michigan State JV 7:01.0

Varsity Four
Michigan A 6:52.3
Michigan B 7:09.1
Michigan C 7:13.6
Grand Valley 7:33.5

Frosh/Novice 4:
Michigan A 7:25.5
Michigan B 7:45.7
Michigan State 7:48.1

Frosh/Novice 8
Michigan 1F 6:10.8
Michigan 2F 6:24.7
Michigan State 1F 6:29.2

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