row2k results
EARC LW Men: Navy Lwts vs. Georgetown Lwts and Delaware Lwts
April 18, 2010; Severn River, Annapolis, MD

Submitted by Matt Muffelman.

Distance: 2000m
Conditions: Strong following wind, building throughout the racing. Order of racing: 2F, 1V, 2V, 1F, 3V


Varsity 8
Navy 6:03.2
Georgetown 6:06.3
Delaware 6:08.9

2nd Varsity 8
Navy 6:11.3
Georgetown 6:17.1
Delaware 6:19.6

3rd Varsity:
Navy 3V 6:27.8
Navy 4V 6:36.9
Georgetown 6:52.2

Frosh/Novice 8
Navy 6:10.4
Delaware 6:15.6
Georgetown 6:23.3

2nd Frosh/Novice 8
Navy 6:31.6
Georgetown 6:56.2

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