row2k results
HS/Scholastic: Taft School vs. Choate & Litchfield
April 23, 2003; Bantam Lake, Litchfield, CT

Submitted by Garrison Smith.

Distance: 1500 meters
Conditions: There was a head wind in the first 200 meters, for the next thousand meters there was a strong cross head wind with heavy chop. The last 300 meters is protected and was fairly flat with virtually no wind. Wind got stronger as the day wore on.
Comments: Second Boat Race was first, then fourth boats, then third and finally first. E. O. Smith was supposed to be in the race but they had bus trouble and could were not able to compete.


Varsity Four
Choate 6:00.4
Taft 6:23.9
Litchfield 6:31.0

Second Boat:
Choate 5:51.1
Taft 6:18.3
Litchfield 7:34.8

Third Boat:
Choate 6:17.5
Taft 6:49.9
Litchfield 7:30.4

Fourth Boat:
Choate 4 6:15.5
Choate 5 6:36.1
Taft 4 7:26.3


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