row2k results
Collegiate Women: UCF, Miami
April 15, 2022; Lake Pickett, Orlando, FL

Submitted by Becky Cramer, UCF.

Distance: 2000m
Conditions: There was a 13mph crosswind decreasing to 7mph through racing. Order of racing was V8, 2V8, V4, 2V4, 3V8.
Comments: After multiple lightning delays and having to recall crews after launching, we were able to finally start the first race almost 3 hours late.


Varsity 8
UCF 6:48.9
Miami 6:50.8

2nd Varsity 8
Miami 6:56.7
UCF 7:05.9

Varsity Four
UCF 7:45.3
Miami 8:24.4

2nd Varsity 4:
UCF A 7:42.0
UCF B 7:51.9
Miami 7:55.2
UCF C 8:07.2

3rd Varsity 8:
UCF 7:31.2
Miami 7:44.7

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