row2k results
Collegiate Men: Ithaca College vs. St. Lawrence, Skidmore
April 13, 2013; Cayuga Inlet, Ithaca, NY

Submitted by Dan Robinson.

Distance: 2000m
Conditions: Stake-boat start with 5-10 mph tail-wind and measurable tail-current
Comments: In the v8 race, Skidmore and St. Lawrence were "neck-and-neck" when Skidmore caught a boat-stopping crab at 900m.


Varsity 8
Ithaca 5:54.5
St. Lawrence 6:23.9
Skidmore 6:29.5

2nd Varsity 8
Ithaca 6:15.9
St. Lawrence 6:37.1

Varsity Four
Ithaca 7:18.4
Skidmore 7:30.7

Frosh/Novice 8
Ithaca 6:22.3
St. Lawrence 6:23.0
Ithaca b 6:56.7

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