row2k results
HS/Scholastic: Mohawk/Northwood fall scrimmage
October 11, 2008; Mirror Lake, Lake Placid, NY

Submitted by Howard Runyon.

Distance: 1000 m
Conditions: Calm to start; light wind rising to 5?10 mph from N by end
Comments: Mohawk Boys' 4x raced Northwood Boys' 4+; Mohawk Girls' 4x raced Northwood Girls' 4x. Format: 1000 m, from paddle, x 3. Boys: Fairly even racing with starts handicapped on basis of time comparison of winning Boys' 4x & 4+ from '08 Canadian Henley. Mohawk mostly stayed within agreed rate cap of 28; Northwood mostly did not. This observer calls Mohawk the winner?by a modest margin on speed, and decisively on observance of rate cap. Girls: Mohawk won all pieces handily from Northwood's all-novice crew, who struggled with steering. A good morning of racing in lovely Indian-Summer conditions. Mirror Lake defied pattern by deserving its name. Direction of racing: South to North (opposite of normal)


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