Schools and clubs are welcome to copy their own results for use on their own Web pages. Others, please *LINK TO* these results; we work very hard to collect them, and request that you link to, and not copy, all results. In all cases, please give row2k credit as your source.
Saturday, December 12, 2009 |
Thursday, December 10, 2009 |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 |
Sunday, December 6, 2009 |
Thursday, November 26, 2009 |
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 |
Sunday, November 22, 2009 |
Saturday, November 21, 2009 |
Sunday, November 15, 2009 |
Saturday, November 14, 2009 |
Sunday, November 8, 2009 |
Saturday, November 7, 2009 |
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 |
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 |
Sunday, November 1, 2009 |
Saturday, October 31, 2009 |
- Head Race
Armada Cup Boston
, Boston, MA
Peanut Butter Cup
, Boston, MA
- Head of the Marina - Marina del Rey, CA
- Syracuse Fall Invitational - Syracuse, NY
- Head of the Eagle - Indianapolis, IN
- Secret City Head Race - Melton Lake
- Head of the Colorado (Pumpkin Head) - Austin, TX
St. Johns Fall Regatta
, Worcester, MA
Thursday, October 29, 2009 |
Sunday, October 25, 2009 |
Saturday, October 24, 2009 |
Sunday, October 18, 2009 |
Saturday, October 17, 2009 |
Thursday, October 15, 2009 |
Monday, October 12, 2009 |
Sunday, October 11, 2009 |
Saturday, October 10, 2009 |
Sunday, October 4, 2009 |
Saturday, October 3, 2009 |
Monday, September 28, 2009 |
Sunday, September 27, 2009 |
Saturday, September 26, 2009 |
- Head Race
Head of the Des Moines
, Des Moines, IA
- Head of the Welland - 5 Bridges Classic - Welland, ON
- Hutchinson Cup Regatta - Schuylkill River, PA
- Tail of the Fish - Fish Creek, Saratoga Springs, NY
- Delaware, SJU , Temple Scrimmage, Christina River, Wilmington, DE
Sunday, September 20, 2009 |
Saturday, September 19, 2009 |
Sunday, August 30, 2009 |
Saturday, August 29, 2009 |
Sunday, August 23, 2009 |
Saturday, August 22, 2009 |
Friday, August 21, 2009 |
Sunday, August 16, 2009 |
Sunday, August 9, 2009 |
Saturday, August 8, 2009 |
Friday, August 7, 2009 |
Sunday, August 2, 2009 |
Saturday, August 1, 2009 |
Sunday, July 26, 2009 |
Saturday, July 25, 2009 |
Sunday, July 19, 2009 |
Saturday, July 18, 2009 |
Friday, July 17, 2009 |
Thursday, July 16, 2009 |
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 |
Monday, July 13, 2009 |
Sunday, July 12, 2009 |
Saturday, July 11, 2009 |
Friday, July 10, 2009 |
Thursday, July 9, 2009 |
Sunday, July 5, 2009 |
Friday, July 3, 2009 |
Sunday, June 28, 2009 |
Saturday, June 27, 2009 |
Friday, June 26, 2009 |
Sunday, June 21, 2009 |
Saturday, June 20, 2009 |
Sunday, June 14, 2009 |
Saturday, June 13, 2009 |
Friday, June 12, 2009 |
Sunday, June 7, 2009 |
Saturday, June 6, 2009 |
Friday, June 5, 2009 |
Thursday, June 4, 2009 |
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 |
Sunday, May 31, 2009 |
Saturday, May 30, 2009 |
Friday, May 29, 2009 |
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 |
Sunday, May 24, 2009 |
Saturday, May 23, 2009 |
Friday, May 22, 2009 |
Thursday, May 21, 2009 |
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
45th Annual Lower Boat Regatta
, Lake Waramaug, New Preston CT
- Novice Regatta: Boston College High School vs. St. John's (Shrewsbury), Worcester H.S., Lake Quinsigamond
- Groton School vs. Noble & Greenough School, Nashua River, Groton, MA
- Groton School (JV Boys) vs. Nobles School, Nashua River
- St. Mark's Girls JV vs. Middlesex, Lake Quinsigamond, Shrewsbury, MA
- St. Mark's School (Boys' JV) vs. Middlesex School (Boys' JV), Lake Quinsigamond
Sunday, May 17, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
- South Niagara Rowing Club Regatta
Connecticut Public Schools Championships
, Lake Waramaug CT
- Greater Boston League Championships - Boys: Cambridge Rindge & Latin School vs. Medford High, Malden High, Somerville High, Charles River Powerhouse
- Greater Boston League Championships - Girls: Cambridge Rindge & Latin School vs. Medford High, Malden High, Somerville High, Charles River Powerhouse
- Cambridge Rindge & Latin School - Boys vs. Yarmouth School, Waynflete School, Charles River Powerhouse
- Cambridge Rindge & Latin School - Girls vs. Yarmouth School, Waynflete School, Charles River Powerhouse
- US National Selection Regatta
Saturday, May 16, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
Culver Regatta
, Lake Maxinkuckee, Culver, IN
SRA of Michigan State Championships
, Kensington Metropark, Milford MI
- Stotesbury Cup - Philadelphia PA
- BB&N Girls vs. Brooks, Thayer, Charles River, Powerhouse Stretch
- Brooks School vs. BBN, Thayer, Lake Cochichewick
- Groton School (boys) vs. Nobles, Nashua River
- Cooke Family Cup: Groton School Girls vs. Noble and Greenough School, Groton, Nashua River
- Gunnery vs. Choate, Deerfield, Miss Porter's, Lake Waramaug
- Northfield Mount Hermon boys vs. , @NMH
- Northfield Mount Hermon Girls vs. Phillips Andover Girls, Gill, MA
- Pomfret vs. Middlesex (boys and girls fours), Lake Quasset, Pomfret, CT
- Salisbury School vs. Kent & St. Johns, Lake Washinee, Salisbury, Ct.
- St. Mark's School (boys) vs. Belmont Hill and Dexter, Lake Quinsigamond
- St. Paul's School Boys vs. Phillips Exeter and Concord High School, St. Paul's School
- St. Paul's School Girls vs. Phillips Exeter and Concord High School, St. Paul's School
- Winsor School vs. Southfield School, Charles River, Powerhouse Stretch
Friday, May 15, 2009 |
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
- Pomfret School vs. Worcester Academy (boys fours), Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Farmington H.S. Girls Crew(eights) vs. Guilford, Sacred Heart, Farmington River, Farmington CT
- Farmington HS (Boys Eights) vs. Guilford HS, Farmington River, Farmington, CT
- Groton School (JV Boys) vs. BB&N and St. Mark's, The River Charles
- Gunnery (boys) vs. Taft, Berkshire, Canterbury, EO Smith, South Kent, Lake Waramuag
- Gunnery (girls) vs. Taft, Berkshire, EO Smith, Canterbury, Lake Waramaug
- Hanover High School vs. NMH, Connecticut River
- Shrewsbury Novice Boys vs. Saint John's, Exeter and Worcester Novices, Lake Quinisg
- Shrewsbury Novice Girls vs. Exeter and Worcester Novice Girls, Lake Quinsig
- St. Mark's vs. Groton, BB&N, Lake Quinsigamond - Shrewsbury, MA
- St. Mark's School (girls) vs. Bancroft, Lincoln, Nobles, Lake Quinsigamond
- The Winsor School vs. Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Cambridge, MA, Pwerhouse stretch
Sunday, May 10, 2009 |
Saturday, May 9, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
Lowell Invitational
, Merrimack River, Lowell, MA
Washington Metropolitan Interscholastic Rowing Assoc Champs
, Anacostia River, Washington DC
- Shawnigan Lake School Regatta - Shawnigan Lake, BC, Canada
- Connecticut Interscholastic Rowing Championship--Boys, Lake Waramaug, Washington CT
- Connecticut Interscholastic Rowing Championship--Girls, Lake Waramaug, Washington CT
- Noxontown Regatta #4, St. Andrew's School, DE
- BB&N Girls vs. Southfield, Lincoln, Charles River, Powerhouse Stretch
- Belmont Hill School vs. Brooks, Groton, The Powerhouse, Charles River
- Blair Academy vs. Hun School and Christian Brothers Academy, Lake Swartswood
- Deerfield Academy vs. Nobles/Middlesex (Boys and Girls Fours), Connecticut River, Deerfield, MA
- Deerfield Academy (Novices) vs. Rumsey Hall, Connecticut River, Deerfield, MA
- Davison Cup : Derryfield School vs. Brewster, Hyde, Bancroft, Cambridge,Waynflete, Yarmouth (ME), Hooksett, NH
- Mother's Day Regatta (BOYS): Glastonbury High School vs. Greenwich H.S, Lewis Mills H.S, Rye, & Xavier H.S., Seaboard Marina, S. Glastonbury CT
- Mother's Day Regatta (GIRLS): Glastonbury High School Crew vs. Greenwich H.S, Lewis Mills H.S, Rye, & Xavier H.S., Seaboard Marina, S. Glastonbury CT
- Groton School girls vs. Brooks School, Groton, Nashua River
- Lyme/Old Lyme vs. Choate, Canterbury, Valley Regional High , Rogers Lake, Old Lyme ct
- Middletown High School - boys and girls vs. Concord (NH) and Stonington High Schools, Connecticut River, Middletown, CT
- Phillips Academy (Andover) vs. Philiips Exeter and Tabor Academy, Andover, MA on the Merrimack River
- du Pont Cup (Boys and Girls Fours), Quasset Lake - Woodstock, CT
- Nogontown Regatta #4 - Girls, St. Andrew's School, DE
- St. Paul's School Boys vs. St. John's and Hanover High, St. Paul's School
- St. Paul's School Girls vs. Hanover High, St. Paul's School
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
- Bancroft, Brewster, Dexter, Worcester Acad., Lake Quinsigamond, Shrewsbury, MA
- Canterbury School vs. Berkshire and Rumsey boys fours, Lake Lillinonah
- Canterbury School vs. Berkshire and Rumsey girls fours, Lake Lillinonah
- Chase Collegiate School vs. Choate Rosemary Hall, Lake Quassapaug, Middlebury, CT
- E.O. Smith (Boys) vs. South Kent (Boys), Coventry Lake, CT
- Groton School (JV Boys) vs. Belmont Hill and Brooks, Brooks School
- Litchfield Boys Crew vs. Avon Boys Crew, Newburgh Boys Crew, Bantam Lake
- Litchfield Girls Crew vs. Avon Girls Crew, Newburgh Girls Crew, Bantam Lake
- Middletown High School - boys and girls vs. Xavier (boys), Sacred Heart (girls), Lewis Mills, Connecticut River, Middletown, CT
- Shrewsbury Novice Girls vs. Worcester Novice Girls, Lake Quinsig
- St. Marks vs. Nobles, Lake Quinsigamond
- Worcester Academy vs. Bancroft, Brewster, Dexter, Lake Quinsigamond Worcester MA
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 |
Sunday, May 3, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
Saturday, May 2, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
- Collegiate Women
- Big 10 Rowing Championships - Griggs Reservoir, OH
ECAC Metro Championships
, Cooper River, NJ
- Parents Cup: Cornell v. Dartmouth, Cayuga Inlet, Ithaca, NY
- The Beanpot: Radcliffe, NU, BU, BC, MIT and Columbia, Boston, MA
- Oregon State University vs. Washington State University, Dexter Lake, Dexter, OR
- Big 12's, Lake Wyandotte Kansas City, KS
- USC vs. UCLA, Marina Del Rey
- Nat and Anne Case Cup: Yale University vs. Brown University, Derby, CT
- GW vs. MIT, Blue Island, IL
- Boston University vs. George Washington, Blue Island, IL
- George Washington vs. Dartmouth, Blue Island, IL
- Northeastern vs. Harvard, Boston, MA
- The Content Cup: Princeton vs. Brown, Lake Carnegie: Princeton, NJ
- Cochrane Cup: Wisconsin vs. Dartmouth, MIT, Blue Island, IL
- Jablonic Cup: Wisconsin vs. Boston University, MIT, Blue Island, IL
- HS/Scholastic
WMIRA Novice Regatta
, Washington DC
New York State Section 3 Regatta
- NYS Section 3 Boys Rowing Championships, Onondoga Lake
- Wy-Hi Regatta, Detroit River, Wyandotte, MI
- Kent School Boys & Girls vs. Cincinatti Junior Rowing Club (CJRC), Kent CT
- Middlesex School Boys Fours vs. BB&N and Cambridge RLS, Bare Hill Pond, Harvard, MA
- Middlesex School Girls Fours vs. BBN and Cambridge RLS, Bare Hill Pond, Harvard MA
- Middletown High School - boys and girls vs. East Lyme High School and Greenwich Academy (girls only), Connecticut River, Middletown, CT
- Northfield Mount Hermon vs. Concord HS, Gill, MA
- Northfield Mt. Hermon (Boy's results) vs. Concord High School, @NMH
- Phillips Academy Andover -- Boys vs. St. Pauls School/Hanover High School/CRI, Andover, MA on the Merrimack River
- Phillips Academy Andover -- Girls vs. St. Pauls School/Hanover High School/CRI, Andover, MA on the Merrimack River
Friday, May 1, 2009 |
Thursday, April 30, 2009 |
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
- Lincoln, Miss Porter's, Worcester Academy, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Worc. Acad., Lincoln, Miss Porter's, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Cake Race: Cambridge Rindge & Latin School vs. Girls Row Boston, Charles River Powerhouse, Boston, MA
- Canterbury School vs. South Kent boys fours, Lake Lillinonah New Milford, CT
- Canterbury School vs. Chase Collegiate girls fours, Lake Lillinonah New Milford, CT
- EO Smith High School vs. Avon, Lewis Mills (Girls & Boys Eights), Coventry Lake
- Farmington H.S. Girls Crew(eights) vs. Middletown H.S., Litchfield, Farmington River, Farmington CT
- Farmington HS (Boys Eights) vs. Middletown HS, Litchfield Hills RC, and Avon HS, Farmington River, Farmington, CT
- Groton School ( JV boys) vs. St. Mark's School, Nashua River
- Groton School (boys) vs. Middlesex, Nashua River
- Middlesex School Girls Fours vs. Groton School, Bare Hill Pond, Harvard MA
- Shrewsbury High School Boys & Girls 8's vs. Tabor and Hanover, Lake Quinsig
- St. Mark's Girls JV vs. Groton Girls JV, Lake Quinsigamond
- The Perry-Johnson Cup (Boys): The Peddie School vs. The Hun School of Princeton, Mercer Lake, NJ
Sunday, April 26, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men
WPI, UMass, Boston College
, Lake Quinsigamond Worcester MA
- Bucknell vs. Army, Susquehanna River, Shamokin Dam, PA
- Mercyhurst College, Philadelphia University Duel: Mercyhurst College vs. Philadelphia University, Findley Lake, N.Y.
- MIT vs. Colgate University., Charles River
- US National Selection Regatta
Saturday, April 25, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
- Collegiate Men
- Holy Cross vs. Delaware, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Sacramento State vs. UC Davis, Lake Natoma, Gold River California
- UC Santa Barbara vs. LMU, Lake Cachuma
- UCLA vs. USC, Ballona Creek
- University of Massachusetts / Lowell vs. Amherst, Franklin Pierce, Mass. Maritime, Vermont, Merrimack River, Lowell, MA
- Collegiate Men & Women
Williams, Bates, Ithaca, Marist, USCGA
, Pittsfield, MA
Tufts, Wellesley, Smith, Simmons, Middlebury, Amherst
, Malden River MA
Midwest Intercollegiate Rowing Championships
, Verdigris River, Roger’s Point Park, Catoosa, OK
Mid-Atlantic Rowing Conference Championship
, Pinchot Lake, PA
Metropolitan Intercollegiate Rowing Assc Spring Championship
, Orchard Beach Lagoon NY
- Indianapolis Collegiate Invitational - Indianapolis IN
West Virginia Governors Cup
, Charleston, WV
- Bergen and Kelly Cups, Schuylkill River
- Meyer/Lamberth Cup Races: PLU vs UPS, American Lake Tacoma, WA
- Clark University vs. WPI, Conn College, Trinity, Wesleyan, Bowdoin, Worcester, MA
- Colby vs. UNH and UVM (women), Sidney, Maine
- Hamilton College vs. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rome, NY
- 2009 Liberty League Rowing Championships: St. Lawrence University vs. Hobart, Skidmore, Union, Vassar, and William Smith, Waddington, NY
- Texas Crew vs. Texas A&M, Lady Bird Lake, Austin, TX
- Washington vs. California, Seattle, Wash.
- Collegiate Women
- Sunshine State Conference Championships
- Big East Championship - Cooper River NJ
- Charles River Challenge: vs. Virginia, Northeastern, Gonzaga, Charles River
- Charles River Challenge: BU vs Gonzaga
- Charles River Challenge: Tennessee vs Northeastern, Charles River
- Charles River Challenge: USC, Radcliffe, Virginia
- Class of 1984 Award Plaque: Penn / Princeton / Dartmouth, Schuylkill River, PA
- Holy Cross vs. Buffalo and Boston College, Lake Quinsigamond
- Charles River Challenge: Boston Univ vs. USC, Tennessee, Charles River Challenge
- Dunn Bowl: Brown vs. Cornell, Columbia, Providence, RI
- MIT vs. University of Massachusetts, Cambridge, Mass.
- UNC/ODU Dual: The University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill vs. Old Dominion University, Lake Wheeler Raleigh NC
- University of Minnesota vs. Kansas, Lake Phalen, St. Paul, Minn.
- Charles River Challenge: Yale, Boston University vs. Radcliffe, Charles River
- Boston University vs. Syracuse & Columbia, Boston, MA
- Carnegie Cup: Cornell, Princeton, Yale, Ithaca, NY
- Atalanta Cup: Dartmouth College vs. Brown University, Hanover, NH
- Adams Cup: U.S. Naval Academy vs. Harvard and Penn, Annapolis, MD
- HS/Scholastic
FSRA State Championship
- New Jersey Scholastic Rowing Championships - Cooper River NJ
Eastern Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association Championship
, Norfolk VA
Texas Rowing Championships
, Lady Bird Lake, TX
- Pomfret vs. Deerfield and Dexter (boys fours), Lake Quasset, Pomfret, CT
- Pomfret vs. Deerfield and Southfield (girls fours), Lake Quasset, Pomfret, CT
- Quinsigamond Cup (Boys & Girls Eights), Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Ducey Cup: BB&N vs. Belmont Hill, Charles River Powerhouse stretch
- Brooks School vs. Noble & Greenough and Middlesex, Lake Cochichewick
- Brooks School Girls vs. Middlesex, Lincoln, Lake Cochichewick, North Andover, MA
- Chase Collegiate School vs. Rumsey Hall, Lake Quassapaug, Middlebury, CT
- Farmington H.S. Girls Crew(eights) vs. Bay View, Stonington, Farmington River, Farmington CT
- Farmington HS (Boys Eights) vs. Stonington HS, Xavier HS, Farmington River, Farmington, CT
- Carr Cup: Georgetown Visitation vs. National Cathedral and Whitman, Anacostia River, DC
- Foley Cup: Gonzaga vs. St Albans and Whitman, Anacostia River, DC
- Kent School Girls vs. Phillips Exeter, Connecticut River Trinity College Racecourse
- NMH vs. Tabor, At NMH
- NMH vs. Tabor, @ NMH
- MAPL League / Mercer Cups (Girls), Mercer Lake, NJ
- Salisbury School vs. Brunswick, Andover, Lake Washinee, Salisbury, Ct.
- Taft (Boys Fours) vs. Gunnery, Canterbury, Bantam Lake, CT
- Taft (Girls Four) vs. Gunnery, Canterbury, Miss Porters, Bantam Lake, Ct
- Winsor School vs. Nobles, BB&N, Charles River, Powerhouse Stretch
- Junior
Oakland, NorCal, SI @ Capital
- Malden High School vs. Medford High School and Greater Lawrence, Mystic River
- Pacific Rowing Club - Novice results vs. Marin Rowing Association, Serra High School, Lake Merced, San Francisco, CA
- Pacific Rowing Club - Varsity results vs. Marin Rowing Association, Serra High School, Lake Merced, San Francisco, CA
Thursday, April 23, 2009 |
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 |
- HS/Scholastic
- Bancroft vs. Worcester Academy, Brewster Academy, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Brewster Academy, Worcester Academy, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Brookline High School-Boys vs. Hingham High School and BC High School, Charles River Basin
- Brooks School Girls vs. Deerfield Academy, Lake Cochichewick
- Groton School vs. St. Mark's, Groton, Nashua River
- Groton School (JV Boys) vs. Belmont Hill School, The River Charles
- Middlesex School Girls Fours vs. Winsor , Bare Hill Pond Harvard Ma
- Pomfret (boys fours) vs. Gunnery, Canterbury, and Berkshire, Lake Quasset, Pomfret, CT
- Pomfret (girls fours) vs. Gunnery, Canterbury, Berkshire, and Lincoln, Lake Quasset, Pomfret, CT
- St. Mark's School (boys) vs. Groton and Middlesex, Lake Quinsigamond
- Taft (boys and girls fours) vs. Choate, South Kent, Bantam Lake, CT
Monday, April 20, 2009 |
Sunday, April 19, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
- Collegiate Men & Women
Baker, Brown, and Class of 2009 Cup
, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
Southern Intercollegiate Rowing Association - Full Results
, Oak Ridge, TN
- Upper Midwest Collegiate Sprints - Omaha, NE
MAAC Championship
, Mercer Lake, NJ
- CBB President's Cup, Greene, ME
- Cazenovia College vs. D'Youville, Cazenovia Rowing Club, Cazenovia Lake
- Union College vs. Saint Lawrence University and Skidmore, Mohawk River, Schenectady, NY
- University of Rochester vs. Geneseo, RIT, Genesee River
- Collegiate Women
Lake Natoma Invitational
, Lake Natoma, CA
- Michigan vs. Oregon State, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Michigan State vs. Bucknell, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Ohio State vs. Washington State, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- U C Irvine vs. Long Beach State, UC Santa Barbara, Chapman, Newport
- HS/Scholastic
- Manny Flick 5 - Philadelphia PA
Maryland Scholastic Rowing Championship
, Baltimore MD
- WAcad, Bancroft, Canterbury, Derryfield, South Kent, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- WAcad, Bancroft, Canterbury, Derryfield, South Kent, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Kent School Girls vs. Lawrenceville & Mercer Jr's, Mercer Lake, NJ
- Mercer Juniors vs. Kent, Lawrenceville, MJRC, Mercer Lake, NJ
Saturday, April 18, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
- Collegiate Men
- Stanford Invitational, Redwood Shores, CA
- Stanford Invitational, Redwood Shores, CA
- Seneca Cup: Colgate University vs. Hobart College, Lake Moraine
- Fawley Cup: Gonzaga University vs. Washington State University, Silver Lake, Medical Lake, Wash.
- Newport Regatta, Newport Beach, CA
- University of Rhode Island vs. United States Coast Guard Academy, UMass-Amherst, Narrow River, North Kingstown, RI
- Collegiate Men & Women
Southern Intercollegiate Rowing Association - Saturday
, Oak Ridge TN
Johns Hopkins Invitational
, Middle Branch Park MD
Northwestern, North Park, Wheaton, University of Chicago
, Chicago IL
Northwest Collegiate Rowing Conference Championships
, Lake Stevens WA
Kerr Cup
, Schuylkill River, Philadelphia PA
River Cup/Neuweiler Plate
, Allentown PA
Busfield Memorial Regatta
, Les Wagner Rowing Center, Owego NY
Holy Cross, Tufts, Ithaca, Conn College, Colby, Smith
, Lake Quinsigamond MA
WPI, Trinity, Bates, NH, Vassar, Tufts, Mills, Ithaca, Colby
, Worcester MA
- Hamilton College vs. St. Lawrence University, Rome, NY
- Skidmore College vs. William Smith, University of Vermont, Middlebury, Fish Creek, Saratoga Springs, NY
- The Regatta formally known as the Little Three: Williams College vs. Wesleyan, Colgate (women only), UVM (women only), Pittsfield, MA
- Collegiate Women
Lake Natoma Invitational - afternoon
, Lake Natoma CA
Lake Natoma Invitational
, Lake Natoma CA
, Worcester MA
Atlantic 10 Women's Rowing Championship
, Cooper River NJ
- Lake Natoma Invitational - live video - Lake Natoma CA
- Lake Natoma Invitational - live splits - Lake Natoma CA
- CAA Championship, Schuylkill River
- Collins Cup: UC Irvine vs. Orange Coast College, Newport Beach, CA
- Arlene Gorton Cup: Brown vs. Boston University, Providence RI
- Georgetown University vs. US Naval Academy, Potomac River
- Michigan vs. Washington State, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Michigan vs. Bucknell, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Michigan State vs. Washington State, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Michigan State vs. Oregon State, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Ohio State vs. Oregon State, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Ohio State vs. Bucknell, Griggs Reservoir, Columbus, Ohio
- Class of 89 Plate: Cornell / Rutgers / Penn, Schuylkill River
- O'Leary Cup: Syracuse University vs. Radcliffe/Dartmouth, Onondaga Lake
- UNH vs. Holy Cross, Ithaca, Mills, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Eisenberg Cup: Yale University vs. Princeton University, Derby, CT
- The Compton Cup: Princeton v. Harvard v. MIT, Lake Carnegie: Princeton, NJ
- Dreissigacker Cup: Brown University vs. Northeastern University, Seekonk River - Providence, RI
- Blackwell Cup: Columbia vs. Pennsylvania, Yale, Orchard Beach Lagoon, NY
- Edwin Lyman Bill Cup: Dartmouth College vs. Rutgers and Boston University, Connecticut River, Hanover, NH
- Holy Cross vs. Georgetown with Bucknell University, Cooper River, NJ
- Goes Trophy: Syracuse University vs. Cornell University, U.S. Naval Academy, Onondaga Lake
- University of Wisconsin vs. University of Minnesota, Madison, WI
- HS/Scholastic
Grand Rapids High School Invitational
, Riverside Park, Grand Rapids, MI
- Alfonso Morales and Bob Armstrong Cups, Zanesville Reservoir, OH
- Andover/Exeter Invitational - Boys Eights, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Andover/Exeter Invitational - Girls Eights, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Noxontown Regatta #3 - Boys, St. Andrew's School, Delaware
- Holy Cross Invitational: Academy of the Holy Cross vs. Bishop Ireton, Georgetown Day School, Anacostia Community Boathouse
- BB&N Girls Fours vs. Groton, Miss Porter's, Powerhouse Stretch, Charles River
- Belmont Hill School vs. Pomfret, The Powerhouse, Charles River
- Berkshire School vs. Taft and Chase Collegiate (Girls' Fours), Lake Wononpakook, Lakeville, CT
- Berkshire School vs. Taft and Chase Collegiate (Boys' Fours), Lake Wononpakook, Lakeville, CT
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School -Boys Results vs. Westfield and Washington/Lee High Schools, Potomac River
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School -Girls Results vs. Westfield and Washington/Lee High Schools, Potomac River
- Buckingham, Browne, & Nichols vs. Derryfield, Charles River Powerhouse Stretch
- Farmington H.S. Girls Crew(eights) vs. East Lyme H.S., Greenwich Academy, Farmington River, Farmington CT
- Farmington HS (Boys Eights) vs. Brunswick School and East Lyme HS, Farmington River, Farmington, CT
- Hingham High School Rowing Association vs. Shrewsbury / Worcester, Lake Quinsigamond
- Middlesex School Boys Fours vs. Thayer, Canterbury, Bare Hill Pond Harvard, MA
- Middlesex School Girls Fours vs. Thayer, Canterbury, Gunnery, Bare Hill Pond, Harvard,MA
- Middletown High School - boys and girls vs. Glastonbury and LItchfield High Schools, Connecticut River, Middletown, CT
- National Cathedral School (NCS) vs. Wilson HS, Bishop O'Connell, Washington, DC
- Pomfret vs. Nobles & Greenough (girls fours), Lake Quasset, Pomfret, CT
- Salisbury School vs. BC High, Lake Washinee
- Shrewsbury High School Boys vs. Hingham Boys and Worcester Boys, Lake Quinsigamond
- Shrewsbury High School Girls vs. Hingham Girls and Worcester Girls, Lake Quinsigamond
- St. Alban's School (STA) vs. Wilson HS, Bishop O'Connell, Washington, DC
- Noxontown Regatta #3 - Girls, St. Andrew's School, DE
- St. Mark's School (boys) vs. Brooks, Deerfield, and Dexter, Lake Quinsigamond
- St. Mark's School (girls) vs. Brooks, Southfield, Winsor, Lake Quinsigamond
- St. Mary Academy - Bay View (Girls) vs. Concord High School (Girls), Seekonk River
- Stonington High School Boys vs. Avon High School Boys, Mystic Connecticut
- Stonington High School Girls vs. Avon High School Girls, Mystic Connecticut
- Tabor (Boys) vs. St. Paul's, Belmont Hill 3rd Boat, Herring Pond, MA
- Tabor Academy Boys vs. St. Paul's School Boys, Herring Pond
- Tabor Academy Girls vs. St. Paul's School Girls, Herring Pond
- Wayland- Weston RA vs. Essex and Bromfield, North Pond of Lake Cochituate Wayland, MA
- Westminster School vs. St. Andrews Rowing Club, Chattahoochee River - Atlanta
Friday, April 17, 2009 |
Thursday, April 16, 2009 |
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 |
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 |
Saturday, April 11, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
- Collegiate Men
- Orange Coast College vs. UC Irvine and Cal State Long Beach, Newport Beach
- President's Cup Regatta - Men: US Military Academy (Army) vs. Marist, URI, RIT, USMA, West Point, NY
- Washington State University vs. University of Washington, Wawawai Landing, Snake River. Pullman, WA
- Wisconsin vs. Michigan, Lake Mendota
- Collegiate Men & Women
WPI, Williams, Conn College, Simmons, Trinity, MIT
, Worcester MA
Tufts, Wesleyan, Univ. of New Hampshire, Bates, Wellesley
, Malden River, Medford, MA
Amherst, Bowdoin, Middlebury
, Hadley, MA
- Knecht Cup - Cooper River NJ
"Other West Coast" Regatta
, Spring Lake in Spring Lake, MI
FIRA Championships - Finals and Points
, Cooper Creek (Benderson Park) Sarasota, FL
George Washington Invitational Regatta - Saturday AM
, Potomac River, Washington DC
George Washington Invitational Regatta - Saturday PM
, Potomac River, Washington DC
- Ithaca College vs. Hamilton, St. Lawrence, Cayuga Inlet, Ithaca, NY
- Purdue University vs. Ohio State University, Eagle Creek Reservoir, Indianapolis, IN
- Stroklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK
- UVM vs. Franklin Pierce and RPI, UVM, Lamiolle River
- WWU-UPS Dual Meet: Western Washington University vs. University of Puget Sound, Bellingham, WA - Lake Samish
- Collegiate Women
Holy Cross, Trinity, Smith, Mt. Holyoke
, Lake Quinsigamond MA
Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan State, Louisville
, Belleville Lake, Belleville, MI
- Class of 1985 Cup: Boston University vs. Yale, Dartmouth, Charles River
- Minnesota vs. Brown, Notre Dame, Columbus, Oh
- Minnesota vs. Indiana, Columbus, Oh
- Ohio State vs. Indiana, Columbus, Oh
- Ohio State University vs. Brown, Notre Dame, Columbus, OH
- Class of 1975: Princeton University vs. Radcliffe, Cornell and Bucknell, Carnegie Lake
- Orange Challenge Cup: Syracuse University vs. Penn/Northeastern, Onondaga Lake
- Kansas Cup (Kansas vs. Kansas State): University of Kansas vs. Kansas State University , Lake Wyandotte Kansas City, KS
- President's Cup Regatta - Women: US Military Academy (Army) vs. Marist, RIT, USMA, West Point, NY (Hudson River)
- Virginia Invite: Virginia vs. Central Florida, Clemson, Tennessee, Lake Monticello, VA
- Virginia Invite PM: Virginia vs. Central Florida, Clemson, Tennessee, Lake Monticello, VA
- Washington State University vs. University of Washington , Wawawai Landing, Pullman WA
- Dodge Cup: Columbia vs. Penn, Yale, Orchard Beach Lagoon, NY
- Platt Cup: Cornell University vs. Princeton University, Ithaca, NY
- Georgetown vs. Navy & Delaware, Potomac River - Washington, DC
- Biglin Bowl: MIT vs. Harvard, Dartmouth, Cambridge, MA
- HS/Scholastic
Emma Willard School Invitational Regatta
, Troy, NY - Hudson River
- Noxontown Regatta #2 - Boys, St. Andrew's School, Delaware
- Simsbury Invitational/ Girls Eights, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Simsbury/Tabor Invitational - Boys' Eights, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MS
- Bishop's Cup : Bishop Ireton vs. Bishop O'Connell, Anacostia River, Washington DC
- Brooks School Girls vs. Nobles, Lake Cochicewick, North Andover
- Buckinghm, Browne & Nichols School vs. Dexter, Thayer, Charles River Powerhouse stretch
- DeMatha Catholic, Elizabeth Seton, and Walter Johnson, Upper Anacostia River, Bladensburg, Maryland1
- President's Challenge Cup: Fairfield Prep Crew vs. Boston College High Crew, Housatonic River, Shelton, CT
- Kent School Boys vs. Phillips Andover, Kent CT
- Kent School Girls vs. Phillips Andover, Kent CT
- Girls Fours: Lincoln School vs. Southfield, Bay View, Seekonk River, Providence, RI
- Pomfret vs. Choate, Lyme/O.Lyme, South Kent, Valley (Boys & Girls fours), Quasset Lake, Pomfret, CT
- Salisbury School vs. Brunswick School, Salisbury, Ct.
- Noxontown Regatta #2 - Girls, St. Andrew's, Middletown, DE
- St. Mark's School (boys) vs. Canterbury, Derryfield, and Gunnery, Lake Quinsigamond
- St. Mark's School (girls) vs. BB&N, Derryfield, Gunnery, Canterbury, Lake Quinsigamond
- US National Selection Regatta
Friday, April 10, 2009 |
Thursday, April 9, 2009 |
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 |
Sunday, April 5, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men & Women
Tufts University, Tulane
, Malden River MA
Holy Cross vs UMass
, Lake Quinsigamond MA
WPI, Bates, URI, Mt Holyoke, Wellesley, Simmons, Bates, UMas
, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester MA
Washington University Invitational Regatta
, St. Louis, MO - Creve Coeur Lake
- Bryn Mawr Invitational, Schuylkill River, Conshohocken, PA
- Clark University vs. Brandeis, Assupmtion, Bates, UMass, Worcester, MA
- Occoquan Sprints, Burke, VA
- Ithaca College vs. Bucknell, Brock, Geneseo, Cayuga Inlet, Ithaca, NY
- Ohio State Club Men and Women vs. Grand Valley State Men & Women, Cincinnati Men and Women, O'Shaughnessy Reservoir, Dublin, Ohio
- Union College vs. RPI & Vassar, Schenectady, NY
- Rochester invitational Collegiate Sprints: University of Rochester vs. Rochester Institute of Technology, Hobart / William Smith, Genessee River, Rochester, NY
Saturday, April 4, 2009 |
- Collegiate Lightweight Women
- Collegiate Men & Women
Tufts, Mt. Holyoke, Tulane, Boston College, UVM, Williams
, Malden River MA
WPI, Colby, Wesleyan, Smith, Umass, Holy Cross, UNH, William
, Worcester MA
15th Annual Marietta Invitational
, Marietta OH
NCRC Invitational Regatta
, Vancouver Lake, WA
- Cleveland Home Schools Regatta 2009, Cuyahoga River in Downtown Cleveland, OH
- Clark University vs. Simmons, Amherst, Conn College, Franklin Pierce, Worcester, MA
- Ithaca College vs. RIT, Univ Rochester, Skidmore, Cayuga Inlet, Ithaca, NY
- Lehigh University vs. Iona, Franklin and Marshall, Lehigh River, Allentown, PA
- Ohio State Club Men and Women vs. Michigan State Club Men and Women, Dayton Men, O'Shaughnessy Reservoir, Dublin Ohio
- Philadelphia University vs. Dowling College, Villanova University, Washington College, Schuylkill River, Conshohocken, Pa.
- Collegiate Women
Holy Cross, Williams, UNH
, Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester, MA
- Playfair Trophy: Boston University vs. George Washington, US Naval Academy, Cooper River
- Central Florida vs. Duke, Orlando, FL
- Clemson University vs. Old Dominion University, Clemson, SC
- Dale England Cup Session 1: Indiana University vs. Louisville, Michigan, Michigan State, Penn, Lake Lemon, Bloomington, Ind.
- Dale England Cup Session 2: Indiana University vs. Louisville, Michigan, Michigan State, Penn, Lake Lemon, Bloomington, Ind.
- Northeastern University vs. Dartmouth, Rhode Island, Boston College, Charle River, Cambridge, MA
- Radcliffe vs. Brown, Cambridge, MA
- Rutgers vs. Columbia, Princeton, Raritan River, New Brunswick, NJ
- Sacred Heart University vs. Army, Fairfield, Fordham, Shelton, CT
- Texas/Kansas dual: Texas vs. Kansas, Lake Wyandotte - Kansas City
- University of Alabama (UA) vs. Southern Methodist (SMU) & North Carolina (UNC), Tuscaloosa, AL; Black Warrior River
- University of Connecticut vs. Trinity, Coast Guard, Marist, Coventry Lake, Coventry CT
- ACC/Big 10 Dual: Virginia vs. Ohio State, Lake Monticello
- West Virginia vs. Dayton, Duquesne, George Mason, Monongahela River; Star City, WV
- HS/Scholastic
Jacksonville Invitational
, Ortega River, Jacksonville, FL
GAR, Lake Brantley, Pinecrest Tri-meet
Shoebie Cup Invitational Regatta
, Schuylkill River, Conshohocken, PA
- Brunswick, Stonington, & Tabor @ Pomfret (boys), Quasset Lake, Woodstock, CT
- Noxontown Regatta #1 - Boys, St. Andrew's School, Delaware
- 2009 Mayors Cup: BB&N Boys Fours vs. CRLS Boys Fours, Charles River Powerhouse
- BB&N Girls vs. CRLS, Charles River, Powerhouse Stretch
- Brookline High School-Boys vs. Hingham High School-Boys, Charles River Powerhouse Stretch
- Brookline HS Girls vs. Boston Latin School, Charles River, Powerhouse Stretch Upsteam Course
- Gainesville Area Rowing vs. Pinecrest School Crew & Lake Brantley RA - girls, Newnan's Lake, Gainesville, Fl
- Kent School Boys vs. CRI Boys, Kent CT
- Kent School Girls vs. CRI Girls, Kent CT
- Pomfret vs. Brunswick, Greenwich, Stonington, Tabor, Wapaquasset Pond, Woodstock, CT.
- Salisbury School vs. Northfield Mount Hermon, Salisbury School
- Noxontown Regatta #1 - Girls, St. Andrew's School, Middletown, DE
- Wayland- Weston RA vs. Shrewsbury and Worcester HS, North Pond of Lake Cochituate Wayland, MA
Friday, April 3, 2009 |
Sunday, March 29, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men & Women
Daffodil Cup
, American Lake, WA
Pac-10 Rowing Challenge - collegiate results
, Redwood Shores, CA
University Rowing Association Championship Regatta
, Lake Arthur, Moraine State Park, PA
- Rocketts Landing Collegiate Regatta, James River
- State of Indiana Regatta: Purdue University vs. Indiana University, Notre Dame, Eagle Creek Reservoir, Indianapolis Indiana
- Washington College vs. F&M, Chester River
Saturday, March 28, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men & Women
Lubbers Cup Regatta
, Grand Rapids, MI
Amherst College, Franklin Pierce
, Hadley, MA
PAC-10 Challenge collegiate racing
, Redwood Shores CA
- Murphy Cup - Philadelphia PA
Holy Cross, Wesleyan, Coast Guard Academy, Mt Holyoke
, Lake Quinsigamond MA
- 16th Annual Caspersen Cup Regatta, Baltimore
- Purdue University vs. Marietta College, Eagle Creek Reservoir, Indianapolis, IN
- Rochester Institute of Technology vs. St. Lawrence University, Rochester, NY
- Texas Crew vs. Colorado Crew, L
- Brown Cup: Univeristy of British Columbia vs. Univeristy of Victoria, John MS Lecky UBC Boathouse, Richmond, BC.
- Collegiate Women
Georgetown, George Washington, North Carolina and Duke
, Potomac River, Washington, DC
Tufts University, Wellesley College
, Malden River MA
- Berg Cup, Newport Beach, CA
- Kittel Cup: Boston University vs. Syracuse University, Charles River
- Connell Cup: Columbia vs. Yale, Pennsylvania, Orchard Beach Lagoon, NY
- Gonzaga University vs. Washington State University, Liberty Lake, Liberty Lake, Washington
- Indiana University vs. Buffalo, Eastern Michigan, Lake Lemon, Bloomington, Ind.
- Ithaca College vs. Cornell, Marist, William Smith, Cayuga Inlet, Ithaca NY
- Michigan State University vs. Notre Dame, Lansing, MI
- Princeton University vs. Brown and the University of Michigan, Carnegie Lake
- Rhode Island vs. Connecticut, UMass, U New Hampshire, Kingston, RI
- University of Tennessee vs. University of Alabama, Knoxville, Tennessee
- University of Tulsa vs. Creighton University, Carter Lake, Omaha, NE
- USC vs. Loyola Marymount, Marina Del Rey
- HS/Scholastic
- Christy C. Wiegand & Frances A. Previts Cups, Lake Milton, OH
- Blair Novice Cup, Anacostia Boathouse, Washington, DC
- Cindy Cole Cup, Anacostia Boathouse, DC
- Georgetown Visitation vs. BCC, Anacostia River, Washington DC
- Gonzaga College HS vs. BCC and DeMatha, Anacostia River, Washington DC
- National Cathedral School vs. Sidwell Friends, Washington DC, Potomac River
Friday, March 27, 2009 |
Thursday, March 26, 2009 |
Monday, March 23, 2009 |
Sunday, March 22, 2009 |
Saturday, March 21, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men & Women
Governor's Cup
, Canal-54, Fellsmere, FL
- 10th Annual Jesuit Invitational, Cooper River
- Texas Crew Invitational, Lady Bird Lake, Austin, TX
- Rollins Invitational (Army, Stetson, UF, Rollins), La
- Collegiate Women
Longhorn Invitational - Session II
, Austin TX
Longhorn Invitational - Session III
, Austin, TX
- Bucknell University vs. University of North Carolina, Rivanna River, Charlottesville, VA
- Clemson University vs. Indiana, Purdue, Marist, Clemson, SC
- Drexel University vs. Villanova University , Schuylkill River
- HS/Scholastic
Oakland Strokes Spring Series
, Oakland Estuary
Hood Cup
, Turkey Lake, Orlando, FL
- Capital City Rowing Men (Tallahassee) vs. Plant High & Gainesville Area Rowing, Lake Talquin, Tallahassee, Florida
- Lake Lenape Sprint I, Lake Lenape, Mays Landing NJ
- Chadwicks Invitational: Walt Whitman vs. Woodrow Wilson, Washington-Lee, Potomac River, Georgetown, Washington, DC
- Winter Park HS - Girls vs. OARS, Lake Howell - Casselberry, FL
- Junior
- League race 3 Capital, Marin, Berkeley High-men, Lake Natoma
- League race 3 Capital, Marin, BHS - women, Lake Natoma, California
- Academy of the Holy Cross vs. Bishop Ireton High School, Elizabeth Seton High School, Anacostia Community Boathouse Washington DC
- Capital City Rowing Women vs. Plant High School Women & Gainesville Area Rowing Women, Lake Talquin, Tallahassee, FL
Friday, March 20, 2009 |
Thursday, March 19, 2009 |
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 |
Sunday, March 15, 2009 |
Saturday, March 14, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men & Women
- Carolina Invitational, Lake Wheeler - Raleigh, North Carolina
- Rollins College vs. University of Georgia, Embry Riddle, & Wesleyan, Lake Maitland, FL
- Tulane vs. Louisiana State, Northwestern State, Orleans Outfall Canal, New Orleans
- Wichita State University vs. Washington University, Cane River, Natchitoches, Louisiana
- Collegiate Women
- Clemson University vs. Alabama, Penn, Marist, Clemson, SC
- Sacramento State Invitational, Lake Natoma
- Saint Joseph's University Women vs. Delaware, Drexel, LaSalle, Lehigh, Philadelphia, Schuylkill River
- University of California Los Angeles vs. San Diego State University, Marina Del Rey
Friday, March 13, 2009 |
Thursday, March 12, 2009 |
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 |
Sunday, March 8, 2009 |
Saturday, March 7, 2009 |
- Collegiate Men & Women
Keuper Cup
, Fellsmere, FL
- Metro Cup Regatta, Lake Maitland (Winter Park, FL)
- UC Irvine vs. UCSD, CSULB, USD, UCSB, Chapman, Mills, Newport Beach CA
- UCLA vs. Loyola Marymount, Ballona Creek
- HS/Scholastic
Stanton Invitational
, Ortega River, Jacksonville, FL
Miami International Regatta
, Miami, FL
- Metro Cup - Girls(Winter Park vs. Edgewater), Lake Maitland- Winter Park, FL
- Capital City Rowing vs. Atlanta Jrs., Lake Talquin, Tallahassee, FL
- Capital City Rowing Men: Tallahassee vs. St. Andrews Rowing Club: Atlanta, Lake Talquin; Tallahassee, Florida
- OARS-Plant Dual Race: Plant High Rowing Association (Plant) vs. Orlando Area Rowing Society (OARS), Tampa Bypass Canal
Friday, March 6, 2009 |
Thursday, March 5, 2009 |
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 |
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 |
Monday, March 2, 2009 |
Sunday, March 1, 2009 |
- Junior
Varsity Round Robin
, Lake Merced, San Francisco, CA
- Oakland Spring Invitational Series: Oakland Strokes vs. Nor Cal, Serra, Palo Alto, JLAC, Oakland Estuary, Jack London Aquatic Center
- Oakland Spring Invitational Series (cont.): Oakland Strokes vs. Nor Cal, Serra, Palo Alto, JLAC, Oakland, Jack London Aquatic Center
Saturday, February 28, 2009 |
Sunday, February 22, 2009 |
Saturday, February 21, 2009 |
Friday, February 20, 2009 |
Thursday, February 19, 2009 |
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 |
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 |
Sunday, February 15, 2009 |
Saturday, February 14, 2009 |
Sunday, February 8, 2009 |
Saturday, February 7, 2009 |
Monday, February 2, 2009 |
Sunday, February 1, 2009 |
Saturday, January 31, 2009 |
Saturday, January 24, 2009 |
Thursday, January 1, 2009 |