Lexus Invitational Regatta

Oak Ridge, TN
March 14

Thanks to Joel Furtek for the results.

Conditions: Sunny, 50s, calm early, light shifting wind building through day.

UM University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
UNC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UR University of Rochester
UTK University of Tennessee at Knoxville
UVA University of Virginia
UW University of Wisconsin at Madison
VU Vanderbilt University

(Note: UVA and UW began the day with dual races separate from the regatta).

Women's Varsity 8+ (Dual Race)
UVA   6:46.5
UW    6:58.2

Women's Second Varsity 8+ (Dual Race)
UVA   6:54.7
UW    6:57.0

Women's Varsity 4+ (Dual Race)
UVA   7:48.5
UVA   7:58.8
UW    8:23.5

Women's Lightweight 4+
UW    8:14.2
UTK   8:19.0
UW    8:34.9

Women's Novice 8+
UVA   7:07.6
UTK   7:09.9
UNC   7:17.0
UM    7:26.0
UW    7:30.5

Women's Second Novice 8+
UVA   7:18.6
UW    7:22.7
UTK   7:28.2
UM    7:31.2
UW    7:32.8

Women's Varsity 4+
UM    7:32.6
UNC   7:42.6
UR    7:43.0
UTK   7:48.0
UTK   8:10.9
VU    8:39.1

Women's Second Varsity 8+
UVA   6:41.4
UM    6:51.0
UNC   7:11.1

Women's Lightweight Varsity 8+
UVA   7:06.8
UW    7:09.0
UTK   7:15.6
UW    7:28.9
UW    7:51.3

Women's Novice 4+
UTK   7:45.4
UW    7:55.7
UVA   8:01.3
UTK   8:01.7
UNC   8:11.0
UR    8:54.9
VU    8:59.2

Women's Novice Lightweight 4+
UW    8:12.9
UTK   8:14.2
UTK   8:43.5
UW    8:53.5

Women's Varsity 8+
UM    6:31.4
UVA   6:34.7
UNC   6:45.2
UTK   7:18.1
UR    7:19.2

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