Rutgers @ Northeastern (HW men)

April 25, 1998; Charles River, Cambridge, MA

Thanks to Grant W. Earl for the results.

Conditions: Conditions:: Nice in the earlier races with a slight headwind, which later picked up as a storm moved in.

Varsity 8
NOR    6:03.7
RUT    6:17.6

Second Varsity 8
NOR    6:27.9
RUT    6:29.6

RUT    6:23
NOR    6:31

Second Freshman
RUT    6:40
NOR    6:57

Third Freshman 4
RUT    8:33.4
RUT    8:38.0
NOR    8:44.6

Third Varsity 4
PEN    7:50
NOR    7:58

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