Boston U. @ Syracuse (HW men)

March 28, 1998; Syracuse, NY

Thanks to Tim Holland for the results.

Conditions: excellent. Flat water for the earlier races with a slight head wind. The head wind picked up a little, and the water was a little worse (but was still pretty flat) as the races progressed. Order of racing: V, JV, 1F, 3V, 2F four

Varsity 8
Boston U.     5:56.9
Syracuse      6:01.2

Second Varsity 8
Syracuse      6:05.7
Boston U.     6:07.2

3rd Varsity 8
Syracuse      6:23.7
Boston U.     6:28.3

Freshman 8       
Syracuse      6:12.1
Boston U.     6:34.0.

Second Freshman 4
Syracuse    7:18.3
Boston U.   7:46.3

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