Andover @ St. Paul's School

May 2, 1998

Thanks to Chip Morgan of the St. Paul's School for the results.

Conditions: cloudy, very light tailwind, diminishing for 1st boat races. 1500m.

PA 4G   -   5:48.1
SPS 4 G -   5:59.9

PA 3G   - 5:23.7
SPS 3G - 5:35.4

PA 2G   -  5:15.1
SPS 2G -  5:24.7

SPS 1G - 5:07.1
PA 1G   - 5:19.4


SPS 4B  - 5:01.3
PA  4B   - 5:19.1

SPS 3B -  4:43.7
PA 3B   - 4:55.7

SPS  2B  - 4:31.1
PA  2B    - 4:41.7

SPS  1B  -   4:25.65
PA   1B      - 4:31.2

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