Is running or cycling the best cross-training for rowing? A growing body of evidence suggests that cycling may be as useful, and in some cases even a better mode of cross-training than running. more
As isolation, both self-imposed or enforced, deepens in the rowing community, row2k reached out to rowing medical folks for some common-sense guidance for athletes who are looking to stay active during these times. more
To help provide a nutritional guide for athletes training and racing, row2k turned to US national team performance dietitian Liz Fusco for some suggestions. more
At the Texas Rowing Center, Masters rowers have all the variables of age, weight and gender factored into the results of club erg competitions. Take a look at how all the computations balanced out. more
In Part I of this article I established how the rowing machine places different demands on the human body. In Part II, I will outline a warm-up routine that you can do for the rowing machine or boat that provides a solution to the different stresses placed upon the body. more
It is often assumed that the rowing stroke on a rowing machine (static or sliders) and in the boat is the same, but there are several key differences. more