row2k Book exclusives
December 6, 2024
David Wing began rowing at the age of seventy-three, and describes in this memoir his early scrambles up the lifelong learning curve of the sport. The book is 128 pages, with 88 photographs made by the author and his fellow rowers  more

Pair-oared shells seemed precarious to me  more

It's clear that Lou is getting very nervous.  more

'I was raised on Mount Vernon Street which is virtually on the water, and so I was soon messing about in boats,' the artist said. 'I learned to pull an oar and go rowing with my friends whenever we had the time and inclination.'  more

But an Officer on Duty Knows No One...
October 17, 2024
Charles carnage inflected with extended marital family politics, whew  more

'Can Anybody Swim?'
October 11, 2024
At the 2006 HOCR, a crew from the University of Beijing came to Boston to row in the Collegiate Eights on Sunday; what transpired was one of the more famous episodes at the Head of the Charles.  more

The worst day I've spent on the water - ever. An excerpt from 'Views from the Referee's Launch' by Tom Mannle  more

Rookie Year: My First Head Of The Charles
September 27, 2024
It's as important for the Lead Umpires to guide their teams to a conclusion of "No penalty" as it is to assign a penalty when appropriate  more

In 2008, I was the Chief Referee for the “Qualified Olympic Small Boats” Trials event - once again as always, high stakes  more

The next excerpt from Views from the Referee Launch, Tom Mannle's book in progress  more

The next excerpt from Views from the Referee Launch, Tom Mannle's book in progress  more

"Because there's blood everywhere!" - an excerpt from Views from the Referee Launch, Tom Mannle's book in progress  more

'Tom. I hadn't finished aligning the crews before you started the race.'  more

We endeavor to get things right the first time. Usually that’s routine, but sometimes we can be as clueless as scholastic rowers.  more

An excerpt from Chasing Races: A Year in Rowing, Tom's book-in-progress  more

Chapter 3 of Brent Haney's new book Answering The Call - A Memoir of Rowing on the Potomac and Muskingum Rivers  more

This is Chapter 2 of Brent Haney's new book Answering The Call - A Memoir of Rowing on the Potomac and Muskingum Rivers  more

We will be publishing two chapters of Brent Haney's new book Answering The Call - A Memoir of Rowing on the Potomac and Muskingum Rivers; see the Table of Contents, intro materials, and Preface here  more

Respect for your opponent. Respect for what you and he or she just accomplished. Respect for what each of you put into it. Respect for taking part in one of the greatest sports in the world.  more

We, the Brown Cinderella Crew, are passing a pier on the Severn River in Annapolis. The old fisherman up top calls down to us.  more

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