CRASH-B Sprints Feature Coverage
For the 1300+ athletes who made the trip to Boston on a bleary Sunday in February, CRASH-Bs was (and still is) about pursuing the coveted hammer.
CRASH-B: Past, Present, and FutureWhile the impact of losing the designation of "World Indoor Rowing Championships" was noticeable at the 2018 CRASH-B Sprints, row2k found that the spirit of the CRASH-Bs was very much alive and undaunted by the changes and external forces which have impacted the regatta in the past year. » more
Rowing Keeps You GoingFor many of us, rowing is recreation; for some of us, rowing is a calling. And, for a few athletes out there, rowing is a bridge, a lifeline, and proof that, come what may, just about anything you want to do is possible, provided you put your mind to it. » more
Don't get the Post-Charles Blues!Don’t get the post-Charles blues. Get excited for your next trip to Boston for the 2018 C.R.A.S.H.-B. Sprints! We can’t wait to see YOU!
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