row2k results
Collegiate Women: Robert Morris University, St. John Fisher University, Marietta College
April 13, 2024; Strouds Run (Dow Lake) Athens, Ohio

Submitted by Annie Devorak, Marietta College.

Distance: 2000
Conditions: Sunny, 60 degrees, 13-15mph head wind for all racing with occasional gusts 20-30mph+. Significant chop with some white caps. Conditions remained the same for all races. Water was more rough by start line, so the 4s races were cut to ~1600meters. Negligible current.
Comments: Due to flooding in Marietta, we moved racing to Dow Lake in Athens, a body of water unfamiliar to all team. The course was approximately 2000 meters (raced approximately 1600 meters for the 4s due to windy conditions at the start). The course had a slight turn that favored lane 4. Staggered floating starts by about a deck. Thank you to RMU and Fisher for being flexible with schedule, location, and day of changes! Great day of racing by all crews.


Varsity 8
Robert Morris 9:17.28
Marietta 9:22.70
St. John Fisher A 9:32.63
St. John Fisher B 11:23.13

Varsity Four
Marietta 7:56.78
St. John Fisher 8:11.00
Robert Morris 8:33.69

2nd Varsity Four:
Marietta 8:58.26
Robert Morris (Novice) 9:34.01
St. John Fisher 10:53.68

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