row2k results
Collegiate Women: Yale, Texas and Princeton, The Eisenburg Cup
April 20, 2019; Carnegie Lake

Submitted by Princeton .

Distance: 2000 meters
Conditions: Stormy Tail wind, 14 mph with gusts up to 30 mph and rain. The toughest conditions were in the earlier races. Race order was 1V8, 2V8, A4, 3V8, B4. Thank you to Yale, Texas and the regatta staff.
Comments: The Eisenberg Cup is a traditional cup between the Yale and Princeton 1V8 and The Black and Brown cup is between Yale and Princeton in the 3V8.


Varsity 8
Princeton 6:06.0
Yale 6:08.8
Texas 6:09.0

2nd Varsity 8
Texas 6:15.5
Yale 6:20.5
Princeton 6:23.5

Varsity Four
Texas 7:04.3
Yale 7:05.6
Princeton 7:13.7

Princeton 6:30.1
Yale 6:34.0

Texas 7:10.3
Yale 7:13.0
Princeton 7:36.5

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