row2k results
Collegiate Women: Boston University vs. Cornell University
March 30, 2024; Charles River Basin

Submitted by Malcolm Doldron.

Distance: 2000 Meters
Conditions: 18 MPH sustained winds gusting at 30+ MPH. Moderate to heavy chop and whitecaps for most races. 1V8 moved to floating start just beyond stakeboats. 1V4 Restarted 100 meters into racing due to a crab from Cornell. 2V4 moved to 1000 meters due to wind. Thanks Cornell for making the trip.


Varsity 8
Boston U 7:59.200
Cornell U 8:20.000

2nd Varsity 8
Boston U 8:27.400
Cornell U 8:43.100

Varsity Four
Boston U 8:47.200
Cornell U 8:58.500

2nd Varsity Four:
Cornell U 4:33.600
Boston U 4:44.600

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