row2k results:
HS/Scholastic: Beebe Cup: Choate vs Gunnery (Deerfield Boys 2nd and 1st)
May 12, 2004; Lake Waramaug CT

Thanks to Bob Reinhardt.

Conditions: Steady cross wind all day, increasing to a stong gusty Cross Head by the boys 2nd and 1st boat races. Beebe Cup was won by Choate over Gunnery 6 pts to 4 pts.

Boys 5th     
1) Gunnery        5:42.23
2) Choate          5:46.44
Boys 4th
1) Gunnery        5:23.43
2) Choate          5:38.90
Girls 3rd
1) Choate         6:00.29
2) Choate 4th   6:06.29
3) Gunnery       6:23.93  (jumped slid at 800m)
Boys 3rd
1) Choate        5:19.06
2) Gunnery      5:24.64
Girls 2nd
1) Choate        5:58.5
2) Gunnery      6:10.25
Boys 2nd
1) Deefield        5:14.52
2) Gunnery       5:21.09
3) Choate         5:24.04
Girls 1st
1) Choate        5:44.24
2) Gunnery      6:21.17
Boys 1st
1) Gunnery        5:15.85
2) Choate          5:20.80
3) Deerfield        5:24.18

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