row2k results
Collegiate Men: Iona vs. Gordon - Ventura Cup
April 7, 2023; Orchard Beach Lagoon, NYC

Submitted by John Boyd.

Distance: 2000
Conditions: 13mph crosswind
Comments: Introducing the inaugural Ventura Cup, named in honor of Iona 1969 alum Vincent J. Ventura (HOF '90). Former Iona coach and longtime chairman of rowing at NYAC (HOF '11). Championed lightweight rowing at Iona and coached dozens of NYAC crews to national championships. Cup was nameless at the start of racing. Agreed that the winning team would name the cup. Cup was contested over 5 events, men and women: Men's 4+, Women's 4+, Men's 2-, Men's 2x, Women's 2x


Varsity Four
Iona - Lightweight 6:59.7
Gordon - Lightweight 7:03.3
Iona - Open 7:05.9

Iona 7:56.2
Gordon 8:23.3
Gordon 8:32.3

Iona 7:36.9
Gordon 7:43.9
Gordon 8:28.4
Gordon DNF

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