row2k results
High School/Scholastic: Hayley Petit Cup
April 17, 2015; Farmington River, Farmington, CT

Submitted by Robin Neschke.

Distance: 1150
Conditions: All races upstream against a slight current and consistent head wind <7 MPH. Minimal chop at the starting line and at 300 meters to go.


Varsity 8
Porter's 4:43.3
Farmington 2V 4:58.3
Farmington 1V 4:59.8

Varsity 4+:
Porter's 5:17.8
Farmington 5:33.1

2nd Varsity 4+:
Porter's 5:21.4
Farmington 5:31.5

Frosh/Novice 8
Farmington A 5:45.0
Farmington B 5:56.0
Porter's 6:38.7

3rd Varsity 4+:
Farmington 3A 5:34.1
Porter's 5.42.5
Farmington 3B 5:46.2


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