row2k results:
HS/Scholastic: Gunnery vs. Choate
May 15, 2002; Lake Waramaug, New Preston CT

Thanks to Robert Reinhardt.

Conditions: 1500 meters but with the wind it felt like 2500. Very strong (20-30 mph) Head wind Very choppy with white caps from time to time. All crews rowed well and we had only 2 crabs. Coxswains steered great courses and handled the wind very well. Choate won the Beebe Cup for the second year in a row winning 6/9 races.

				Boys 5th
				1.       Choate	6:11.5
				2.       Gunnery	6:51.9
Girls 4th				Boys 4th
1. Choate	8:01.81			1. Choate 	6:10.1
2. Choate 5th 	8:44.05		2. Gunnery	6:20.6
3. Gunnery	8:56.37
Girls 3rd				Boys 3rd
1. Choate 	7:12.7		1. Choate	6:01.0
2. Gunnery	7:22.1		2. Gunnery	6:06.9
Girls 2nd				Boys 2nd
1. Choate 	7:16.8		1. Gunnery	5:54.5
2. Gunnery	7:36.2		2. Choate	5:56.6
Girls 1st				Boys 1st
1. Gunnery	6:35.37		1. Gunnery	5:31.1
2. Choate	6:37.88			2. Choate	5:44.1

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