row2k results:
Collegiate Men & Women: Oregon State at Washington Dual Regatta
March 31, 2001; Montlake Cut; Seattle, Wash; 2000m

Thanks to Susan Reid.

Conditions: Strong winds and choppy water; see quotes below.

Women's junior varsity eight
UW-a  6:53.5
OSU   7:04.7

Women's first novice eight
UW-a  7:04.3
OSU   7:17.9

Women's third varsity eight
UW-a  7:05.3
UW-b  7:14.0
OSU   7:16.9
UW-c  7:41.8

Men's junior varsity eight
UW-a  5:59.0
UW-b  6:12.0
OSU   6:18.0

Men's freshman eight
UW-a  6:06.0
OSU-a 6:17.0
UW-b  6:23.0
UW-c  6:42.0
OSU-b 6:47.0

Men's varsity four
OSU   7:20.0
UW    7:26.0

Women's second novice eight
UW    7:44.1.
OSU   7:52.8

Men's varsity eight
UW    6:11.0.
OSU   6:12.0

Women's varsity four
UW-a  8:10.7
UW-b  8:13.5
OSU-a 8:39.6
UW-c  8:56.1
OSU-b 9:06.4
OSU   9:15.4

Women's varsity eight
UW   6:56.9
OSU  7:23.8
Post-Race Quotes

UW head men's coach Bob Ernst
"It got more and more windy as the morning went on. By the end, it was pretty extreme conditions. By the time we got to the last men's event - the varsity eight - we had to do a re-start. We got 15 or 20 strokes in when OSU had a malfunction and we re-started the race.

"It was tough rowing all the way down, very tough. Certainly, the Oregon State guys deserve a lot of credit. They rowed a courageous race. They did not give up. They chased us all the was down the race course. We were our own worst enemies out there today because we didn't ever settle down and get into a nice, deliberate rhythm. We let the wind and the situation determine what we did. We didn't row the boat as powerfully as we could have. That's frustrating."

UW head women's coach Jan Harville "The first races this morning were alright. It was a typical southeast wind with a little bit of a storm coming in. By the time we got to the last races, that's about as bad conditions as you could race in. We had white caps coming straight across the course. It's so hard to race with that rough water pushing you sideways. It's very difficult lining the boats up. But the crews all did a good job of handling the conditions. We teach them to work with the conditions. Whatever the conditions are, you're all in the same water, so you have to go, no matter what.

"I was really happy with all our crews today, particularly the varsity eight. They were in the toughest conditions out there, at the end of the morning. They handled the water well and didn't let it disturb them."

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